Product: Global Oceanic Angular Momentum
OAM - johnson01 - Version metadata
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Title | OAM - johnson01 |
Date | 2020-08-12 |
Volume | johnson01 |
Content | Global oceanic angular momentum mass and motion terms Ocean model : Parallel Ocean Climate Model (POCM) version 4B Horizontal domain : 75 degree South latitude to 65 degree North latitude Horizontal resolution : 0.4 degree long. by 0.4cos(lat) degree lat. averaged to 1 degree by 1 degree Vertical resolution : 20 levels averaged to 6 levels Boussinesq model? : Yes Tabulated mass term corrected for volume changes due to steric effects? : Yes Ocean model forcing : Surface wind stress : 3-day-averaged ECMWF Surface heat flux : Monthly ECMWF Surface freshwater flux : None Surface pressure : None Data assimilated : None |
Documentation | File units : kg-m**2/s 1. The tabulated OAM values have been determined as described in Johnson et al. (JGR, 104, 25183-25195, 1999) except for the method of correcting the mass term for volume changes due to steric effects (see Note 3 below). 2. Unlike johnson99.oam, the tabulated OAM values in johnson01.oam have NO filtering or smoothing applied. Therefore, unlike johnson99.oam, this dataset does NOT need to be scaled by 8/3 to correct the normalization of the filter. 3. The tabulated OAM values are given at 3-day intervals except for the values on MJD 47222, 48684, and 50143 which are given 4 days after the previous value. This extra long interval was required because of the neglect of leap days (February 29) in the POCM_4B output. 4. The tabulated values for the mass term have been corrected for volume changes due to steric effects by adding a uniform layer of fluctuating thickness to the sea surface height fields of POCM_4B (Greatbatch, JGR, 99, 12767-12771, 1994). This is different from the method described in Johnson et al. (JGR, 104, 25183-25195, 1999). 5. The mean has been removed from the tabulated OAM values. The mean OAM mass term (kg-m**2/s; x,y,z) = 1.3094491e+29 9.8501954e+28 2.6128137e+30 The mean OAM motion term (kg-m**2/s; x,y,z) = -8.7676704e+23 -1.7908617e+22 1.2840290e+25 |
Time Interval | 3-day instantaneous values |
Time Start | 1988-01-01 |
Time End | 1997-12-30 |
Data Points | 1217 |
Data | MJD, mass_X, mass_Y, mass_Z, motion_X, motion_Y, motion_Z |
Format | ASCII |
Frequency | Irregular |
Keywords | Geophysical fluids, OAM |
Reference | Johnson et al., J. Geophys. Res., vol. 104, pp. 25183-25195, 1999Stammer et al., J. Geophys. Res., vol. 101, pp. 25779-25811, 1996 |
Published by | GGFC Special Bureau for the Oceans |
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Distribution | onLine |
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