Atmospheric angular momentum - TU Wien - Product metadata
Content | The atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) is determined from theoperational analysis of the European Centre for Medium-RangeWeather Forecasts (ECMWF).File units: matter [kg m2], motion [kg m2 / sec] |
Documentation | The specifications of the globally gridded meteorological data are: Time resolution: 6 hours, 00/06/12/18 UTC Horizontal resolution: 1 deg spacing in latitude and longitude Vertical disretization: 1980-01-01 - 2001-12-31: 23 pressure levels from ERA40-reanalysis 2002-01-01 - 2007-11-05 (06 UTC): 21 pressure levels from operational data 2007-11-05 (12 UTC) - now: 25 pressure levels from operational data, in [hPa]: 1/2/3/5/7/10/20/30/50/70/100/150/200/250/300/400/ 500/700/800/850/900/925/950/1000 Preprocessing the ECMWF data for the calculation of AAM involvesthe following models: Digital elevation model: ETOPO5 ( Geopotential model: EGM96 (Lemoine et. al, 1998). Geoid undulations are determined up to degree and order 360, for gravity values the expansion is truncated at degree 2.Consistently, WGS84 is employed as horizontal datum and theheight system is orthometric. The node data of each meteorologicalparameter are averaged to a mean value for every 1 deg cell.The three components of AAM are split up into matter (componentsc12, c23, c33 of the inertia tensor, units [kg m2]) and motionterms (relative angular momentum, units [kg m2 / sec]).Depending on the calculation scheme applied for numericalintegration, two files are available for each day:yyyymmdd_ps_vxxx.aam and yyyymmdd_dp_vxxx.aam, where vxxxrefers to the version number of the produced files.Columns 1-6 have the same content in both files:1-4: Year, month, day, hour of the initialization epoch5: Forecast step in hours6: mjd of the forecasted epoch Remaining columns in yyyymmdd_ps_vxxx.aam:7-9: non-IB mass terms, determined as double integral over surface pressure10-12: IB mass terms, --//--Remaining columns in yyyymmdd_dp_vxxx.aam:7-9: non-IB mass terms, determined as volume integral over pressure increments10-12: motion terms, --//-- |
Data | YYYY MM DD HH, forecast hours, MJD, non-IB mass terms (x,y,z), IB mass terms (x,y,z) |
Format | ASCII |
Keywords | geophysical fluids, models |
Created by | TU Vienna |
Distribution | onLine |