********************************************************************** * * * I E R S B U L L E T I N - A * * * * Rapid Service/Prediction of Earth Orientation * ********************************************************************** 22 March 2018 Vol. XXXI No. 012 ______________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION: To receive this information electronically, contact: ser7@maia.usno.navy.mil or use MJD = Julian Date - 2 400 000.5 days UT2-UT1 = 0.022 sin(2*pi*T) - 0.012 cos(2*pi*T) - 0.006 sin(4*pi*T) + 0.007 cos(4*pi*T) where pi = 3.14159265... and T is the date in Besselian years. TT = TAI + 32.184 seconds DUT1= (UT1-UTC) transmitted with time signals = +0.1 seconds beginning 15 Mar 2018 at 0000 UTC Beginning 1 January 2017: TAI-UTC = 37.000 000 seconds *********************************************************************** * * * Please note that daily and Bulletin A EOP data can be obtained from * * the primary Earth Orientation (EO) servers at: * * http://maia.usno.navy.mil ftp://maia.usno.navy.mil * * and from the backup EO server at: * * http://toshi.nofs.navy.mil ftp://toshi.nofs.navy.mil * * * * An additional backup mirror of the daily and Bulletin A EOP data * * is now hosted by NASA's Archive of Space Geodesy Data server at: * * ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/products/iers * * Daily EOP data will be uploaded here at 18:00 UTC, and * * Bulletin A EOP data should be available by 20:00 UTC. * * * * We are currently not able to receive email at * * ser7@maia.usno.navy.mil. Questions and enquiries can now be * * directed to the following email account: navobsy_eop.fct@navy.mil * * * * It is anticipated that the IERS RS/PC will transition its EOP * * solution to be consistent with the 14 C04 EOP system on * * 29-March-2018. If the transition cannot be done by that date, * * the alternative date to implement the change could be * * 05-April-2018. * * * * Distribution statement A. Approved for public release: * * distribution unlimited. * * * *********************************************************************** ________________________________________________________________________ The contributed observations used in the preparation of this Bulletin are available at . The contributed analysis results are based on data from Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), and meteorological predictions of variations in Atmospheric Angular Momentum (AAM). ________________________________________________________________________ COMBINED EARTH ORIENTATION PARAMETERS: IERS Rapid Service MJD x error y error UT1-UTC error " " " " s s 18 3 16 58193 0.01483 .00009 0.37123 .00009 0.152248 0.000021 18 3 17 58194 0.01491 .00009 0.37302 .00009 0.151176 0.000015 18 3 18 58195 0.01509 .00009 0.37454 .00009 0.150032 0.000008 18 3 19 58196 0.01575 .00009 0.37597 .00009 0.148829 0.000004 18 3 20 58197 0.01681 .00009 0.37743 .00009 0.147584 0.000004 18 3 21 58198 0.01790 .00009 0.37872 .00009 0.146355 0.000003 18 3 22 58199 0.01911 .00009 0.37974 .00009 0.145192 0.000055 _______________________________________________________________________ PREDICTIONS: The following formulas will not reproduce the predictions given below, but may be used to extend the predictions beyond the end of this table. x = 0.1277 - 0.1360 cos A + 0.0343 sin A + 0.0238 cos C + 0.0057 sin C y = 0.3425 + 0.0313 cos A + 0.1303 sin A + 0.0057 cos C - 0.0238 sin C UT1-UTC = 0.1728 - 0.00087 (MJD - 58207) - (UT2-UT1) where A = 2*pi*(MJD-58199)/365.25 and C = 2*pi*(MJD-58199)/435. TAI-UTC(MJD 58200) = 37.0 The accuracy may be estimated from the expressions: S x,y = 0.00068 (MJD-58199)**0.80 S t = 0.00025 (MJD-58199)**0.75 Estimated accuracies are: Predictions 10 d 20 d 30 d 40 d Polar coord's 0.004 0.007 0.010 0.013 UT1-UTC 0.0014 0.0024 0.0032 0.0040 MJD x(arcsec) y(arcsec) UT1-UTC(sec) 2018 3 23 58200 0.0203 0.3809 0.14415 2018 3 24 58201 0.0216 0.3822 0.14325 2018 3 25 58202 0.0227 0.3835 0.14244 2018 3 26 58203 0.0237 0.3850 0.14164 2018 3 27 58204 0.0247 0.3864 0.14076 2018 3 28 58205 0.0255 0.3879 0.13977 2018 3 29 58206 0.0263 0.3893 0.13865 2018 3 30 58207 0.0271 0.3906 0.13742 2018 3 31 58208 0.0279 0.3918 0.13612 2018 4 1 58209 0.0287 0.3930 0.13482 2018 4 2 58210 0.0297 0.3942 0.13360 2018 4 3 58211 0.0306 0.3954 0.13248 2018 4 4 58212 0.0315 0.3967 0.13150 2018 4 5 58213 0.0324 0.3980 0.13067 2018 4 6 58214 0.0333 0.3993 0.12997 2018 4 7 58215 0.0342 0.4005 0.12934 2018 4 8 58216 0.0351 0.4018 0.12871 2018 4 9 58217 0.0361 0.4029 0.12806 2018 4 10 58218 0.0371 0.4040 0.12735 2018 4 11 58219 0.0381 0.4051 0.12656 2018 4 12 58220 0.0391 0.4062 0.12565 2018 4 13 58221 0.0402 0.4073 0.12462 2018 4 14 58222 0.0412 0.4083 0.12345 2018 4 15 58223 0.0423 0.4094 0.12218 2018 4 16 58224 0.0435 0.4104 0.12087 2018 4 17 58225 0.0446 0.4115 0.11957 2018 4 18 58226 0.0457 0.4125 0.11836 2018 4 19 58227 0.0469 0.4135 0.11727 2018 4 20 58228 0.0480 0.4145 0.11630 2018 4 21 58229 0.0492 0.4155 0.11541 2018 4 22 58230 0.0504 0.4164 0.11453 2018 4 23 58231 0.0516 0.4173 0.11360 2018 4 24 58232 0.0528 0.4183 0.11256 2018 4 25 58233 0.0541 0.4192 0.11138 2018 4 26 58234 0.0553 0.4200 0.11006 2018 4 27 58235 0.0566 0.4209 0.10863 2018 4 28 58236 0.0579 0.4218 0.10718 2018 4 29 58237 0.0592 0.4226 0.10577 2018 4 30 58238 0.0605 0.4234 0.10448 2018 5 1 58239 0.0619 0.4242 0.10333 2018 5 2 58240 0.0632 0.4249 0.10236 2018 5 3 58241 0.0646 0.4257 0.10155 2018 5 4 58242 0.0660 0.4264 0.10088 2018 5 5 58243 0.0673 0.4271 0.10030 2018 5 6 58244 0.0688 0.4278 0.09978 2018 5 7 58245 0.0702 0.4284 0.09924 2018 5 8 58246 0.0716 0.4291 0.09866 2018 5 9 58247 0.0731 0.4297 0.09799 2018 5 10 58248 0.0745 0.4303 0.09722 2018 5 11 58249 0.0760 0.4308 0.09632 2018 5 12 58250 0.0775 0.4314 0.09531 2018 5 13 58251 0.0789 0.4319 0.09422 2018 5 14 58252 0.0804 0.4324 0.09312 2018 5 15 58253 0.0820 0.4329 0.09207 2018 5 16 58254 0.0835 0.4333 0.09115 2018 5 17 58255 0.0850 0.4338 0.09037 2018 5 18 58256 0.0865 0.4342 0.08973 2018 5 19 58257 0.0881 0.4346 0.08915 2018 5 20 58258 0.0896 0.4349 0.08858 2018 5 21 58259 0.0912 0.4353 0.08794 2018 5 22 58260 0.0928 0.4356 0.08721 2018 5 23 58261 0.0943 0.4359 0.08638 2018 5 24 58262 0.0959 0.4361 0.08547 2018 5 25 58263 0.0975 0.4364 0.08455 2018 5 26 58264 0.0991 0.4366 0.08367 2018 5 27 58265 0.1007 0.4368 0.08288 2018 5 28 58266 0.1023 0.4370 0.08223 2018 5 29 58267 0.1039 0.4371 0.08173 2018 5 30 58268 0.1055 0.4372 0.08138 2018 5 31 58269 0.1071 0.4373 0.08117 2018 6 1 58270 0.1087 0.4374 0.08106 2018 6 2 58271 0.1103 0.4374 0.08100 2018 6 3 58272 0.1119 0.4375 0.08094 2018 6 4 58273 0.1135 0.4375 0.08084 2018 6 5 58274 0.1151 0.4374 0.08066 2018 6 6 58275 0.1168 0.4374 0.08037 2018 6 7 58276 0.1184 0.4373 0.07996 2018 6 8 58277 0.1200 0.4372 0.07943 2018 6 9 58278 0.1216 0.4371 0.07882 2018 6 10 58279 0.1232 0.4369 0.07816 2018 6 11 58280 0.1248 0.4368 0.07752 2018 6 12 58281 0.1264 0.4366 0.07697 2018 6 13 58282 0.1280 0.4363 0.07655 2018 6 14 58283 0.1296 0.4361 0.07627 2018 6 15 58284 0.1312 0.4358 0.07608 2018 6 16 58285 0.1328 0.4355 0.07592 2018 6 17 58286 0.1343 0.4352 0.07570 2018 6 18 58287 0.1359 0.4349 0.07539 2018 6 19 58288 0.1375 0.4345 0.07498 2018 6 20 58289 0.1391 0.4341 0.07450 2018 6 21 58290 0.1406 0.4337 0.07401 2018 6 22 58291 0.1421 0.4332 0.07357 2018 6 23 58292 0.1437 0.4328 0.07323 2018 6 24 58293 0.1452 0.4323 0.07304 2018 6 25 58294 0.1467 0.4318 0.07300 2018 6 26 58295 0.1482 0.4312 0.07312 2018 6 27 58296 0.1497 0.4307 0.07337 2018 6 28 58297 0.1512 0.4301 0.07373 2018 6 29 58298 0.1527 0.4295 0.07414 2018 6 30 58299 0.1542 0.4289 0.07457 2018 7 1 58300 0.1556 0.4282 0.07496 2018 7 2 58301 0.1571 0.4276 0.07527 2018 7 3 58302 0.1585 0.4269 0.07548 2018 7 4 58303 0.1599 0.4262 0.07557 2018 7 5 58304 0.1613 0.4254 0.07555 2018 7 6 58305 0.1627 0.4247 0.07542 2018 7 7 58306 0.1641 0.4239 0.07524 2018 7 8 58307 0.1654 0.4231 0.07503 2018 7 9 58308 0.1668 0.4223 0.07491 2018 7 10 58309 0.1681 0.4214 0.07487 2018 7 11 58310 0.1694 0.4206 0.07494 2018 7 12 58311 0.1707 0.4197 0.07510 2018 7 13 58312 0.1720 0.4188 0.07529 2018 7 14 58313 0.1732 0.4179 0.07543 2018 7 15 58314 0.1745 0.4170 0.07546 2018 7 16 58315 0.1757 0.4160 0.07535 2018 7 17 58316 0.1769 0.4150 0.07512 2018 7 18 58317 0.1781 0.4140 0.07484 2018 7 19 58318 0.1793 0.4130 0.07459 2018 7 20 58319 0.1804 0.4120 0.07443 2018 7 21 58320 0.1815 0.4109 0.07439 2018 7 22 58321 0.1826 0.4099 0.07451 2018 7 23 58322 0.1837 0.4088 0.07476 2018 7 24 58323 0.1848 0.4077 0.07514 2018 7 25 58324 0.1858 0.4066 0.07562 2018 7 26 58325 0.1869 0.4055 0.07614 2018 7 27 58326 0.1879 0.4043 0.07667 2018 7 28 58327 0.1888 0.4032 0.07716 2018 7 29 58328 0.1898 0.4020 0.07757 2018 7 30 58329 0.1907 0.4008 0.07787 2018 7 31 58330 0.1916 0.3996 0.07804 2018 8 1 58331 0.1925 0.3984 0.07808 2018 8 2 58332 0.1934 0.3971 0.07802 2018 8 3 58333 0.1942 0.3959 0.07787 2018 8 4 58334 0.1951 0.3946 0.07769 2018 8 5 58335 0.1958 0.3934 0.07752 2018 8 6 58336 0.1966 0.3921 0.07741 2018 8 7 58337 0.1974 0.3908 0.07737 2018 8 8 58338 0.1981 0.3895 0.07740 2018 8 9 58339 0.1988 0.3882 0.07746 2018 8 10 58340 0.1994 0.3868 0.07749 2018 8 11 58341 0.2001 0.3855 0.07739 2018 8 12 58342 0.2007 0.3842 0.07712 2018 8 13 58343 0.2013 0.3828 0.07668 2018 8 14 58344 0.2018 0.3815 0.07612 2018 8 15 58345 0.2024 0.3801 0.07553 2018 8 16 58346 0.2029 0.3787 0.07499 2018 8 17 58347 0.2034 0.3773 0.07457 2018 8 18 58348 0.2038 0.3759 0.07430 2018 8 19 58349 0.2042 0.3745 0.07418 2018 8 20 58350 0.2046 0.3731 0.07418 2018 8 21 58351 0.2050 0.3717 0.07428 2018 8 22 58352 0.2054 0.3703 0.07444 2018 8 23 58353 0.2057 0.3689 0.07459 2018 8 24 58354 0.2060 0.3674 0.07471 2018 8 25 58355 0.2062 0.3660 0.07474 2018 8 26 58356 0.2065 0.3646 0.07465 2018 8 27 58357 0.2067 0.3631 0.07443 2018 8 28 58358 0.2069 0.3617 0.07406 2018 8 29 58359 0.2070 0.3602 0.07358 2018 8 30 58360 0.2071 0.3588 0.07301 2018 8 31 58361 0.2072 0.3573 0.07239 2018 9 1 58362 0.2073 0.3559 0.07179 2018 9 2 58363 0.2073 0.3544 0.07124 2018 9 3 58364 0.2073 0.3530 0.07076 2018 9 4 58365 0.2073 0.3515 0.07036 2018 9 5 58366 0.2073 0.3501 0.07000 2018 9 6 58367 0.2072 0.3486 0.06961 2018 9 7 58368 0.2071 0.3472 0.06912 2018 9 8 58369 0.2070 0.3457 0.06847 2018 9 9 58370 0.2068 0.3443 0.06762 2018 9 10 58371 0.2066 0.3429 0.06660 2018 9 11 58372 0.2064 0.3414 0.06549 2018 9 12 58373 0.2061 0.3400 0.06437 2018 9 13 58374 0.2059 0.3385 0.06334 2018 9 14 58375 0.2056 0.3371 0.06246 2018 9 15 58376 0.2052 0.3357 0.06174 2018 9 16 58377 0.2049 0.3343 0.06118 2018 9 17 58378 0.2045 0.3329 0.06075 2018 9 18 58379 0.2041 0.3315 0.06039 2018 9 19 58380 0.2036 0.3301 0.06007 2018 9 20 58381 0.2032 0.3287 0.05973 2018 9 21 58382 0.2027 0.3273 0.05933 2018 9 22 58383 0.2021 0.3259 0.05884 2018 9 23 58384 0.2016 0.3246 0.05824 2018 9 24 58385 0.2010 0.3232 0.05752 2018 9 25 58386 0.2004 0.3219 0.05669 2018 9 26 58387 0.1998 0.3205 0.05579 2018 9 27 58388 0.1991 0.3192 0.05487 2018 9 28 58389 0.1985 0.3179 0.05398 2018 9 29 58390 0.1977 0.3166 0.05315 2018 9 30 58391 0.1970 0.3153 0.05242 2018 10 1 58392 0.1963 0.3140 0.05178 2018 10 2 58393 0.1955 0.3127 0.05119 2018 10 3 58394 0.1947 0.3114 0.05060 2018 10 4 58395 0.1938 0.3102 0.04995 2018 10 5 58396 0.1930 0.3090 0.04915 2018 10 6 58397 0.1921 0.3077 0.04817 2018 10 7 58398 0.1912 0.3065 0.04699 2018 10 8 58399 0.1902 0.3053 0.04566 2018 10 9 58400 0.1893 0.3042 0.04425 2018 10 10 58401 0.1883 0.3030 0.04286 2018 10 11 58402 0.1873 0.3018 0.04155 2018 10 12 58403 0.1863 0.3007 0.04038 2018 10 13 58404 0.1852 0.2996 0.03937 2018 10 14 58405 0.1842 0.2985 0.03850 2018 10 15 58406 0.1831 0.2974 0.03774 2018 10 16 58407 0.1820 0.2963 0.03704 2018 10 17 58408 0.1808 0.2953 0.03635 2018 10 18 58409 0.1797 0.2943 0.03561 2018 10 19 58410 0.1785 0.2932 0.03479 2018 10 20 58411 0.1773 0.2922 0.03384 2018 10 21 58412 0.1761 0.2913 0.03276 2018 10 22 58413 0.1749 0.2903 0.03156 2018 10 23 58414 0.1736 0.2894 0.03025 2018 10 24 58415 0.1724 0.2884 0.02887 2018 10 25 58416 0.1711 0.2875 0.02747 2018 10 26 58417 0.1698 0.2867 0.02612 2018 10 27 58418 0.1684 0.2858 0.02487 2018 10 28 58419 0.1671 0.2850 0.02377 2018 10 29 58420 0.1657 0.2842 0.02279 2018 10 30 58421 0.1644 0.2834 0.02188 2018 10 31 58422 0.1630 0.2826 0.02098 2018 11 1 58423 0.1616 0.2818 0.01998 2018 11 2 58424 0.1602 0.2811 0.01882 2018 11 3 58425 0.1587 0.2804 0.01747 2018 11 4 58426 0.1573 0.2797 0.01604 2018 11 5 58427 0.1558 0.2790 0.01450 2018 11 6 58428 0.1543 0.2784 0.01289 2018 11 7 58429 0.1529 0.2778 0.01139 2018 11 8 58430 0.1514 0.2772 0.01005 2018 11 9 58431 0.1498 0.2766 0.00883 2018 11 10 58432 0.1483 0.2760 0.00782 2018 11 11 58433 0.1468 0.2755 0.00689 2018 11 12 58434 0.1452 0.2750 0.00603 2018 11 13 58435 0.1437 0.2745 0.00520 2018 11 14 58436 0.1421 0.2741 0.00430 2018 11 15 58437 0.1405 0.2737 0.00330 2018 11 16 58438 0.1390 0.2733 0.00213 2018 11 17 58439 0.1374 0.2729 0.00081 2018 11 18 58440 0.1358 0.2725 -0.00063 2018 11 19 58441 0.1342 0.2722 -0.00219 2018 11 20 58442 0.1326 0.2719 -0.00386 2018 11 21 58443 0.1309 0.2716 -0.00559 2018 11 22 58444 0.1293 0.2713 -0.00736 2018 11 23 58445 0.1277 0.2711 -0.00901 2018 11 24 58446 0.1260 0.2709 -0.01051 2018 11 25 58447 0.1244 0.2707 -0.01188 2018 11 26 58448 0.1228 0.2706 -0.01319 2018 11 27 58449 0.1211 0.2705 -0.01450 2018 11 28 58450 0.1195 0.2704 -0.01591 2018 11 29 58451 0.1178 0.2703 -0.01747 2018 11 30 58452 0.1162 0.2702 -0.01913 2018 12 1 58453 0.1145 0.2702 -0.02091 2018 12 2 58454 0.1128 0.2702 -0.02272 2018 12 3 58455 0.1112 0.2702 -0.02446 2018 12 4 58456 0.1095 0.2703 -0.02608 2018 12 5 58457 0.1079 0.2703 -0.02756 2018 12 6 58458 0.1062 0.2705 -0.02890 2018 12 7 58459 0.1046 0.2706 -0.03010 2018 12 8 58460 0.1029 0.2707 -0.03114 2018 12 9 58461 0.1013 0.2709 -0.03199 2018 12 10 58462 0.0996 0.2711 -0.03280 2018 12 11 58463 0.0980 0.2713 -0.03357 2018 12 12 58464 0.0963 0.2716 -0.03438 2018 12 13 58465 0.0947 0.2719 -0.03537 2018 12 14 58466 0.0931 0.2722 -0.03657 2018 12 15 58467 0.0915 0.2725 -0.03792 2018 12 16 58468 0.0898 0.2729 -0.03941 2018 12 17 58469 0.0882 0.2733 -0.04102 2018 12 18 58470 0.0866 0.2737 -0.04262 2018 12 19 58471 0.0850 0.2741 -0.04419 2018 12 20 58472 0.0835 0.2746 -0.04573 2018 12 21 58473 0.0819 0.2750 -0.04715 2018 12 22 58474 0.0803 0.2755 -0.04839 2018 12 23 58475 0.0787 0.2761 -0.04953 2018 12 24 58476 0.0772 0.2766 -0.05059 2018 12 25 58477 0.0757 0.2772 -0.05167 2018 12 26 58478 0.0741 0.2778 -0.05293 2018 12 27 58479 0.0726 0.2784 -0.05433 2018 12 28 58480 0.0711 0.2791 -0.05578 2018 12 29 58481 0.0696 0.2798 -0.05727 2018 12 30 58482 0.0681 0.2805 -0.05881 2018 12 31 58483 0.0667 0.2812 -0.06030 2019 1 1 58484 0.0652 0.2819 -0.06163 2019 1 2 58485 0.0638 0.2827 -0.06279 2019 1 3 58486 0.0624 0.2835 -0.06376 2019 1 4 58487 0.0610 0.2843 -0.06455 2019 1 5 58488 0.0596 0.2851 -0.06524 2019 1 6 58489 0.0582 0.2859 -0.06588 2019 1 7 58490 0.0568 0.2868 -0.06652 2019 1 8 58491 0.0555 0.2877 -0.06709 2019 1 9 58492 0.0542 0.2886 -0.06778 2019 1 10 58493 0.0529 0.2896 -0.06864 2019 1 11 58494 0.0516 0.2905 -0.06961 2019 1 12 58495 0.0503 0.2915 -0.07076 2019 1 13 58496 0.0490 0.2925 -0.07203 2019 1 14 58497 0.0478 0.2935 -0.07336 2019 1 15 58498 0.0466 0.2945 -0.07475 2019 1 16 58499 0.0454 0.2956 -0.07618 2019 1 17 58500 0.0442 0.2967 -0.07755 2019 1 18 58501 0.0431 0.2977 -0.07883 2019 1 19 58502 0.0419 0.2988 -0.08006 2019 1 20 58503 0.0408 0.3000 -0.08130 2019 1 21 58504 0.0397 0.3011 -0.08264 2019 1 22 58505 0.0387 0.3023 -0.08411 2019 1 23 58506 0.0376 0.3034 -0.08576 2019 1 24 58507 0.0366 0.3046 -0.08760 2019 1 25 58508 0.0356 0.3058 -0.08960 2019 1 26 58509 0.0346 0.3071 -0.09163 2019 1 27 58510 0.0337 0.3083 -0.09358 2019 1 28 58511 0.0327 0.3095 -0.09534 2019 1 29 58512 0.0318 0.3108 -0.09688 2019 1 30 58513 0.0310 0.3121 -0.09817 2019 1 31 58514 0.0301 0.3134 -0.09929 2019 2 1 58515 0.0293 0.3147 -0.10037 2019 2 2 58516 0.0285 0.3160 -0.10140 2019 2 3 58517 0.0277 0.3173 -0.10241 2019 2 4 58518 0.0269 0.3187 -0.10342 2019 2 5 58519 0.0262 0.3200 -0.10445 2019 2 6 58520 0.0255 0.3214 -0.10555 2019 2 7 58521 0.0248 0.3228 -0.10675 2019 2 8 58522 0.0242 0.3242 -0.10809 2019 2 9 58523 0.0236 0.3256 -0.10958 2019 2 10 58524 0.0230 0.3270 -0.11120 2019 2 11 58525 0.0224 0.3284 -0.11287 2019 2 12 58526 0.0219 0.3298 -0.11445 2019 2 13 58527 0.0214 0.3312 -0.11599 2019 2 14 58528 0.0209 0.3327 -0.11748 2019 2 15 58529 0.0204 0.3341 -0.11886 2019 2 16 58530 0.0200 0.3356 -0.12017 2019 2 17 58531 0.0196 0.3370 -0.12146 2019 2 18 58532 0.0193 0.3385 -0.12280 2019 2 19 58533 0.0189 0.3400 -0.12428 2019 2 20 58534 0.0186 0.3415 -0.12608 2019 2 21 58535 0.0183 0.3429 -0.12808 2019 2 22 58536 0.0181 0.3444 -0.13014 2019 2 23 58537 0.0178 0.3459 -0.13210 2019 2 24 58538 0.0177 0.3474 -0.13393 2019 2 25 58539 0.0175 0.3489 -0.13562 2019 2 26 58540 0.0174 0.3504 -0.13713 2019 2 27 58541 0.0172 0.3519 -0.13844 2019 2 28 58542 0.0172 0.3534 -0.13959 2019 3 1 58543 0.0171 0.3549 -0.14070 2019 3 2 58544 0.0171 0.3564 -0.14182 2019 3 3 58545 0.0171 0.3579 -0.14307 2019 3 4 58546 0.0172 0.3594 -0.14437 2019 3 5 58547 0.0172 0.3609 -0.14578 2019 3 6 58548 0.0173 0.3624 -0.14731 2019 3 7 58549 0.0175 0.3639 -0.14895 2019 3 8 58550 0.0176 0.3654 -0.15067 2019 3 9 58551 0.0178 0.3669 -0.15244 2019 3 10 58552 0.0180 0.3684 -0.15433 2019 3 11 58553 0.0183 0.3699 -0.15624 2019 3 12 58554 0.0186 0.3714 -0.15810 2019 3 13 58555 0.0189 0.3729 -0.15982 2019 3 14 58556 0.0192 0.3744 -0.16137 2019 3 15 58557 0.0196 0.3758 -0.16283 2019 3 16 58558 0.0200 0.3773 -0.16423 2019 3 17 58559 0.0204 0.3788 -0.16561 2019 3 18 58560 0.0208 0.3802 -0.16702 2019 3 19 58561 0.0213 0.3816 -0.16858 2019 3 20 58562 0.0218 0.3831 -0.17041 2019 3 21 58563 0.0224 0.3845 -0.17244 2019 3 22 58564 0.0229 0.3859 -0.17452 These predictions are based on all announced leap seconds. CELESTIAL POLE OFFSET SERIES: NEOS Celestial Pole Offset Series MJD dpsi error deps error (msec. of arc) 58177 -104.14 0.30 -10.17 0.04 58178 -103.73 0.30 -10.18 0.04 58179 -103.29 0.30 -10.29 0.04 58180 -103.00 0.30 -10.49 0.05 58181 -102.93 0.16 -10.58 0.06 58182 -103.08 0.16 -10.45 0.06 58183 -103.33 0.24 -10.20 0.08 IAU2000A Celestial Pole Offset Series MJD dX error dY error (msec. of arc) 58177 0.069 0.119 -0.306 0.040 58178 0.061 0.119 -0.306 0.040 58179 0.059 0.119 -0.300 0.040 58180 0.057 0.119 -0.297 0.050 58181 0.066 0.064 -0.277 0.060 58182 0.077 0.064 -0.246 0.060 58183 0.091 0.095 -0.201 0.080 The recommended software to predict celestial pole offsets can be found at and software for the calculation of the dX and dY components with respect to IAU2000A Nutation/Precession Theory can be found at the web site in Chapter 5 Section 5.5 of the IERS Conventions (2010).