********************************************************************** * * * I E R S B U L L E T I N - A * * * * Rapid Service/Prediction of Earth Orientation * ********************************************************************** 13 April 2017 Vol. XXX No. 015 ______________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION: To receive this information electronically, contact: ser7@maia.usno.navy.mil or use MJD = Julian Date - 2 400 000.5 days UT2-UT1 = 0.022 sin(2*pi*T) - 0.012 cos(2*pi*T) - 0.006 sin(4*pi*T) + 0.007 cos(4*pi*T) where pi = 3.14159265... and T is the date in Besselian years. TT = TAI + 32.184 seconds DUT1= (UT1-UTC) transmitted with time signals = +0.4 seconds beginning 30 Mar 2017 at 0000 UTC Beginning 1 January 2017: TAI-UTC = 37.000 000 seconds *********************************************************************** * * * Please note that daily and Bulletin A EOP data can be obtained from * * the primary Earth Orientation (EO) servers at: * * http://maia.usno.navy.mil ftp://maia.usno.navy.mil * * and from the backup EO server at: * * http://toshi.nofs.navy.mil ftp://toshi.nofs.navy.mil * * * * An additional backup mirror of the daily and Bulletin A EOP data * * is now hosted by NASA's Archive of Space Geodesy Data server at: * * ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/products/iers * * Daily EOP data will be uploaded here at 18:00 UTC, and * * Bulletin A EOP data should be available by 20:00 UTC. * * * * As of Bulletin A Vol. XXX, No. 015, on 13 April 2017, we will * * transition past values for polar motion and UT1-UTC prior to * * 13 April 2016 to be more consistent with ITRF 2014. This will * * result in a jump of less than 0.1 mas in polar motion and 10 us * * in UT1-UTC. * * * * Distribution statement A. Approved for public release: * * distribution unlimited. * * * *********************************************************************** ________________________________________________________________________ The contributed observations used in the preparation of this Bulletin are available at . The contributed analysis results are based on data from Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), and meteorological predictions of variations in Atmospheric Angular Momentum (AAM). ________________________________________________________________________ COMBINED EARTH ORIENTATION PARAMETERS: IERS Rapid Service MJD x error y error UT1-UTC error " " " " s s 17 4 7 57850 0.01028 .00009 0.38656 .00009 0.461917 0.000017 17 4 8 57851 0.01053 .00009 0.38842 .00009 0.460301 0.000016 17 4 9 57852 0.01063 .00009 0.39014 .00009 0.458617 0.000016 17 4 10 57853 0.01099 .00009 0.39184 .00009 0.456962 0.000017 17 4 11 57854 0.01160 .00009 0.39357 .00009 0.455402 0.000018 17 4 12 57855 0.01257 .00009 0.39523 .00009 0.453859 0.000017 17 4 13 57856 0.01406 .00009 0.39684 .00009 0.452291 0.000055 _______________________________________________________________________ PREDICTIONS: The following formulas will not reproduce the predictions given below, but may be used to extend the predictions beyond the end of this table. x = 0.1125 - 0.0596 cos A + 0.0638 sin A - 0.0400 cos C - 0.0272 sin C y = 0.3686 + 0.0570 cos A + 0.0566 sin A - 0.0272 cos C + 0.0400 sin C UT1-UTC = 0.4780 - 0.00117 (MJD - 57864) - (UT2-UT1) where A = 2*pi*(MJD-57856)/365.25 and C = 2*pi*(MJD-57856)/435. TAI-UTC(MJD 57857) = 37.0 The accuracy may be estimated from the expressions: S x,y = 0.00068 (MJD-57856)**0.80 S t = 0.00025 (MJD-57856)**0.75 Estimated accuracies are: Predictions 10 d 20 d 30 d 40 d Polar coord's 0.004 0.007 0.010 0.013 UT1-UTC 0.0014 0.0024 0.0032 0.0040 MJD x(arcsec) y(arcsec) UT1-UTC(sec) 2017 4 14 57857 0.0155 0.3986 0.45075 2017 4 15 57858 0.0169 0.4003 0.44927 2017 4 16 57859 0.0182 0.4020 0.44787 2017 4 17 57860 0.0192 0.4035 0.44651 2017 4 18 57861 0.0201 0.4050 0.44517 2017 4 19 57862 0.0209 0.4064 0.44383 2017 4 20 57863 0.0217 0.4078 0.44247 2017 4 21 57864 0.0225 0.4091 0.44101 2017 4 22 57865 0.0234 0.4104 0.43939 2017 4 23 57866 0.0244 0.4116 0.43757 2017 4 24 57867 0.0254 0.4128 0.43558 2017 4 25 57868 0.0266 0.4140 0.43350 2017 4 26 57869 0.0276 0.4153 0.43144 2017 4 27 57870 0.0287 0.4165 0.42953 2017 4 28 57871 0.0297 0.4178 0.42779 2017 4 29 57872 0.0308 0.4190 0.42625 2017 4 30 57873 0.0318 0.4202 0.42489 2017 5 1 57874 0.0329 0.4213 0.42364 2017 5 2 57875 0.0341 0.4225 0.42244 2017 5 3 57876 0.0354 0.4236 0.42122 2017 5 4 57877 0.0367 0.4247 0.41997 2017 5 5 57878 0.0379 0.4257 0.41867 2017 5 6 57879 0.0392 0.4268 0.41734 2017 5 7 57880 0.0405 0.4278 0.41600 2017 5 8 57881 0.0418 0.4289 0.41471 2017 5 9 57882 0.0431 0.4299 0.41349 2017 5 10 57883 0.0444 0.4308 0.41237 2017 5 11 57884 0.0457 0.4318 0.41135 2017 5 12 57885 0.0470 0.4327 0.41046 2017 5 13 57886 0.0484 0.4336 0.40968 2017 5 14 57887 0.0497 0.4345 0.40898 2017 5 15 57888 0.0511 0.4353 0.40835 2017 5 16 57889 0.0525 0.4362 0.40773 2017 5 17 57890 0.0540 0.4370 0.40709 2017 5 18 57891 0.0554 0.4378 0.40638 2017 5 19 57892 0.0568 0.4386 0.40555 2017 5 20 57893 0.0582 0.4393 0.40458 2017 5 21 57894 0.0597 0.4400 0.40347 2017 5 22 57895 0.0612 0.4407 0.40222 2017 5 23 57896 0.0627 0.4414 0.40090 2017 5 24 57897 0.0642 0.4421 0.39958 2017 5 25 57898 0.0657 0.4427 0.39834 2017 5 26 57899 0.0673 0.4433 0.39724 2017 5 27 57900 0.0688 0.4439 0.39630 2017 5 28 57901 0.0703 0.4444 0.39548 2017 5 29 57902 0.0719 0.4450 0.39472 2017 5 30 57903 0.0734 0.4455 0.39396 2017 5 31 57904 0.0750 0.4460 0.39317 2017 6 1 57905 0.0766 0.4464 0.39233 2017 6 2 57906 0.0782 0.4469 0.39148 2017 6 3 57907 0.0798 0.4473 0.39062 2017 6 4 57908 0.0814 0.4477 0.38980 2017 6 5 57909 0.0830 0.4480 0.38905 2017 6 6 57910 0.0846 0.4484 0.38839 2017 6 7 57911 0.0862 0.4487 0.38784 2017 6 8 57912 0.0878 0.4490 0.38741 2017 6 9 57913 0.0894 0.4492 0.38708 2017 6 10 57914 0.0910 0.4495 0.38684 2017 6 11 57915 0.0927 0.4497 0.38666 2017 6 12 57916 0.0943 0.4498 0.38650 2017 6 13 57917 0.0959 0.4500 0.38630 2017 6 14 57918 0.0976 0.4501 0.38604 2017 6 15 57919 0.0992 0.4503 0.38567 2017 6 16 57920 0.1008 0.4503 0.38518 2017 6 17 57921 0.1025 0.4504 0.38455 2017 6 18 57922 0.1041 0.4504 0.38379 2017 6 19 57923 0.1057 0.4504 0.38296 2017 6 20 57924 0.1073 0.4504 0.38210 2017 6 21 57925 0.1090 0.4504 0.38129 2017 6 22 57926 0.1106 0.4503 0.38058 2017 6 23 57927 0.1122 0.4502 0.38002 2017 6 24 57928 0.1138 0.4501 0.37957 2017 6 25 57929 0.1155 0.4499 0.37920 2017 6 26 57930 0.1171 0.4498 0.37883 2017 6 27 57931 0.1187 0.4496 0.37841 2017 6 28 57932 0.1203 0.4494 0.37793 2017 6 29 57933 0.1219 0.4491 0.37739 2017 6 30 57934 0.1235 0.4489 0.37684 2017 7 1 57935 0.1250 0.4486 0.37630 2017 7 2 57936 0.1266 0.4482 0.37583 2017 7 3 57937 0.1282 0.4479 0.37543 2017 7 4 57938 0.1297 0.4475 0.37514 2017 7 5 57939 0.1313 0.4471 0.37497 2017 7 6 57940 0.1328 0.4467 0.37490 2017 7 7 57941 0.1344 0.4463 0.37492 2017 7 8 57942 0.1359 0.4458 0.37501 2017 7 9 57943 0.1374 0.4453 0.37512 2017 7 10 57944 0.1389 0.4448 0.37521 2017 7 11 57945 0.1404 0.4443 0.37523 2017 7 12 57946 0.1419 0.4437 0.37514 2017 7 13 57947 0.1433 0.4431 0.37492 2017 7 14 57948 0.1448 0.4425 0.37455 2017 7 15 57949 0.1462 0.4419 0.37407 2017 7 16 57950 0.1476 0.4413 0.37350 2017 7 17 57951 0.1490 0.4406 0.37288 2017 7 18 57952 0.1504 0.4399 0.37228 2017 7 19 57953 0.1518 0.4392 0.37176 2017 7 20 57954 0.1532 0.4385 0.37134 2017 7 21 57955 0.1545 0.4377 0.37102 2017 7 22 57956 0.1559 0.4369 0.37077 2017 7 23 57957 0.1572 0.4361 0.37053 2017 7 24 57958 0.1585 0.4353 0.37022 2017 7 25 57959 0.1598 0.4345 0.36983 2017 7 26 57960 0.1611 0.4336 0.36934 2017 7 27 57961 0.1623 0.4327 0.36881 2017 7 28 57962 0.1635 0.4318 0.36826 2017 7 29 57963 0.1647 0.4309 0.36776 2017 7 30 57964 0.1659 0.4300 0.36733 2017 7 31 57965 0.1671 0.4290 0.36704 2017 8 1 57966 0.1683 0.4281 0.36686 2017 8 2 57967 0.1694 0.4271 0.36677 2017 8 3 57968 0.1705 0.4261 0.36678 2017 8 4 57969 0.1716 0.4250 0.36684 2017 8 5 57970 0.1727 0.4240 0.36692 2017 8 6 57971 0.1737 0.4229 0.36697 2017 8 7 57972 0.1748 0.4218 0.36696 2017 8 8 57973 0.1758 0.4208 0.36683 2017 8 9 57974 0.1768 0.4196 0.36656 2017 8 10 57975 0.1777 0.4185 0.36613 2017 8 11 57976 0.1787 0.4174 0.36557 2017 8 12 57977 0.1796 0.4162 0.36490 2017 8 13 57978 0.1805 0.4151 0.36418 2017 8 14 57979 0.1814 0.4139 0.36346 2017 8 15 57980 0.1822 0.4127 0.36281 2017 8 16 57981 0.1831 0.4115 0.36224 2017 8 17 57982 0.1839 0.4103 0.36175 2017 8 18 57983 0.1846 0.4090 0.36133 2017 8 19 57984 0.1854 0.4078 0.36092 2017 8 20 57985 0.1861 0.4065 0.36045 2017 8 21 57986 0.1868 0.4053 0.35988 2017 8 22 57987 0.1875 0.4040 0.35918 2017 8 23 57988 0.1882 0.4027 0.35839 2017 8 24 57989 0.1888 0.4014 0.35753 2017 8 25 57990 0.1894 0.4001 0.35668 2017 8 26 57991 0.1900 0.3988 0.35588 2017 8 27 57992 0.1905 0.3974 0.35516 2017 8 28 57993 0.1910 0.3961 0.35453 2017 8 29 57994 0.1915 0.3948 0.35401 2017 8 30 57995 0.1920 0.3934 0.35358 2017 8 31 57996 0.1925 0.3920 0.35321 2017 9 1 57997 0.1929 0.3907 0.35286 2017 9 2 57998 0.1933 0.3893 0.35249 2017 9 3 57999 0.1936 0.3879 0.35205 2017 9 4 58000 0.1940 0.3865 0.35150 2017 9 5 58001 0.1943 0.3852 0.35080 2017 9 6 58002 0.1946 0.3838 0.34992 2017 9 7 58003 0.1948 0.3824 0.34889 2017 9 8 58004 0.1951 0.3810 0.34772 2017 9 9 58005 0.1953 0.3796 0.34647 2017 9 10 58006 0.1955 0.3781 0.34523 2017 9 11 58007 0.1956 0.3767 0.34404 2017 9 12 58008 0.1957 0.3753 0.34294 2017 9 13 58009 0.1958 0.3739 0.34195 2017 9 14 58010 0.1959 0.3725 0.34104 2017 9 15 58011 0.1959 0.3711 0.34014 2017 9 16 58012 0.1960 0.3697 0.33922 2017 9 17 58013 0.1959 0.3682 0.33820 2017 9 18 58014 0.1959 0.3668 0.33705 2017 9 19 58015 0.1958 0.3654 0.33579 2017 9 20 58016 0.1957 0.3640 0.33443 2017 9 21 58017 0.1956 0.3626 0.33305 2017 9 22 58018 0.1955 0.3612 0.33168 2017 9 23 58019 0.1953 0.3598 0.33037 2017 9 24 58020 0.1951 0.3583 0.32917 2017 9 25 58021 0.1949 0.3569 0.32806 2017 9 26 58022 0.1946 0.3555 0.32706 2017 9 27 58023 0.1943 0.3541 0.32614 2017 9 28 58024 0.1940 0.3528 0.32526 2017 9 29 58025 0.1937 0.3514 0.32437 2017 9 30 58026 0.1933 0.3500 0.32344 2017 10 1 58027 0.1929 0.3486 0.32242 2017 10 2 58028 0.1925 0.3473 0.32126 2017 10 3 58029 0.1921 0.3459 0.31994 2017 10 4 58030 0.1916 0.3445 0.31845 2017 10 5 58031 0.1911 0.3432 0.31680 2017 10 6 58032 0.1906 0.3419 0.31505 2017 10 7 58033 0.1900 0.3405 0.31327 2017 10 8 58034 0.1895 0.3392 0.31153 2017 10 9 58035 0.1889 0.3379 0.30990 2017 10 10 58036 0.1883 0.3366 0.30841 2017 10 11 58037 0.1876 0.3353 0.30703 2017 10 12 58038 0.1870 0.3340 0.30571 2017 10 13 58039 0.1863 0.3327 0.30439 2017 10 14 58040 0.1856 0.3315 0.30302 2017 10 15 58041 0.1848 0.3302 0.30155 2017 10 16 58042 0.1841 0.3290 0.29997 2017 10 17 58043 0.1833 0.3278 0.29829 2017 10 18 58044 0.1825 0.3265 0.29657 2017 10 19 58045 0.1816 0.3253 0.29485 2017 10 20 58046 0.1808 0.3242 0.29317 2017 10 21 58047 0.1799 0.3230 0.29158 2017 10 22 58048 0.1790 0.3218 0.29009 2017 10 23 58049 0.1781 0.3207 0.28872 2017 10 24 58050 0.1772 0.3195 0.28745 2017 10 25 58051 0.1762 0.3184 0.28626 2017 10 26 58052 0.1752 0.3173 0.28511 2017 10 27 58053 0.1742 0.3162 0.28396 2017 10 28 58054 0.1732 0.3152 0.28276 2017 10 29 58055 0.1722 0.3141 0.28146 2017 10 30 58056 0.1711 0.3131 0.28005 2017 10 31 58057 0.1700 0.3121 0.27848 2017 11 1 58058 0.1689 0.3111 0.27676 2017 11 2 58059 0.1678 0.3101 0.27491 2017 11 3 58060 0.1667 0.3091 0.27300 2017 11 4 58061 0.1655 0.3082 0.27110 2017 11 5 58062 0.1644 0.3072 0.26931 2017 11 6 58063 0.1632 0.3063 0.26766 2017 11 7 58064 0.1620 0.3054 0.26617 2017 11 8 58065 0.1608 0.3045 0.26477 2017 11 9 58066 0.1595 0.3037 0.26341 2017 11 10 58067 0.1583 0.3028 0.26201 2017 11 11 58068 0.1570 0.3020 0.26052 2017 11 12 58069 0.1557 0.3012 0.25894 2017 11 13 58070 0.1544 0.3005 0.25728 2017 11 14 58071 0.1531 0.2997 0.25559 2017 11 15 58072 0.1518 0.2990 0.25391 2017 11 16 58073 0.1505 0.2982 0.25229 2017 11 17 58074 0.1491 0.2976 0.25076 2017 11 18 58075 0.1478 0.2969 0.24937 2017 11 19 58076 0.1464 0.2962 0.24812 2017 11 20 58077 0.1450 0.2956 0.24701 2017 11 21 58078 0.1437 0.2950 0.24603 2017 11 22 58079 0.1423 0.2944 0.24515 2017 11 23 58080 0.1409 0.2938 0.24432 2017 11 24 58081 0.1394 0.2933 0.24343 2017 11 25 58082 0.1380 0.2928 0.24245 2017 11 26 58083 0.1366 0.2923 0.24135 2017 11 27 58084 0.1351 0.2918 0.24014 2017 11 28 58085 0.1337 0.2914 0.23870 2017 11 29 58086 0.1322 0.2909 0.23705 2017 11 30 58087 0.1307 0.2905 0.23528 2017 12 1 58088 0.1293 0.2901 0.23349 2017 12 2 58089 0.1278 0.2898 0.23168 2017 12 3 58090 0.1263 0.2894 0.22997 2017 12 4 58091 0.1248 0.2891 0.22840 2017 12 5 58092 0.1233 0.2888 0.22695 2017 12 6 58093 0.1218 0.2886 0.22560 2017 12 7 58094 0.1203 0.2883 0.22430 2017 12 8 58095 0.1188 0.2881 0.22299 2017 12 9 58096 0.1173 0.2879 0.22162 2017 12 10 58097 0.1158 0.2878 0.22017 2017 12 11 58098 0.1143 0.2876 0.21867 2017 12 12 58099 0.1128 0.2875 0.21719 2017 12 13 58100 0.1113 0.2874 0.21573 2017 12 14 58101 0.1098 0.2873 0.21429 2017 12 15 58102 0.1083 0.2873 0.21294 2017 12 16 58103 0.1067 0.2872 0.21170 2017 12 17 58104 0.1052 0.2872 0.21062 2017 12 18 58105 0.1037 0.2873 0.20966 2017 12 19 58106 0.1022 0.2873 0.20879 2017 12 20 58107 0.1007 0.2874 0.20797 2017 12 21 58108 0.0992 0.2875 0.20711 2017 12 22 58109 0.0977 0.2876 0.20617 2017 12 23 58110 0.0962 0.2877 0.20514 2017 12 24 58111 0.0947 0.2879 0.20401 2017 12 25 58112 0.0932 0.2881 0.20274 2017 12 26 58113 0.0918 0.2883 0.20134 2017 12 27 58114 0.0903 0.2885 0.19986 2017 12 28 58115 0.0888 0.2888 0.19828 2017 12 29 58116 0.0874 0.2891 0.19663 2017 12 30 58117 0.0859 0.2894 0.19496 2017 12 31 58118 0.0844 0.2897 0.19337 2018 1 1 58119 0.0830 0.2900 0.19186 2018 1 2 58120 0.0816 0.2904 0.19046 2018 1 3 58121 0.0802 0.2908 0.18910 2018 1 4 58122 0.0787 0.2912 0.18768 2018 1 5 58123 0.0773 0.2917 0.18618 2018 1 6 58124 0.0759 0.2921 0.18458 2018 1 7 58125 0.0746 0.2926 0.18293 2018 1 8 58126 0.0732 0.2931 0.18128 2018 1 9 58127 0.0718 0.2936 0.17973 2018 1 10 58128 0.0705 0.2942 0.17831 2018 1 11 58129 0.0691 0.2948 0.17699 2018 1 12 58130 0.0678 0.2953 0.17582 2018 1 13 58131 0.0665 0.2960 0.17482 2018 1 14 58132 0.0652 0.2966 0.17400 2018 1 15 58133 0.0639 0.2972 0.17330 2018 1 16 58134 0.0626 0.2979 0.17268 2018 1 17 58135 0.0614 0.2986 0.17210 2018 1 18 58136 0.0601 0.2993 0.17145 2018 1 19 58137 0.0589 0.3001 0.17064 2018 1 20 58138 0.0577 0.3008 0.16966 2018 1 21 58139 0.0565 0.3016 0.16852 2018 1 22 58140 0.0553 0.3024 0.16726 2018 1 23 58141 0.0542 0.3032 0.16590 2018 1 24 58142 0.0530 0.3040 0.16448 2018 1 25 58143 0.0519 0.3048 0.16305 2018 1 26 58144 0.0508 0.3057 0.16165 2018 1 27 58145 0.0497 0.3066 0.16028 2018 1 28 58146 0.0486 0.3075 0.15893 2018 1 29 58147 0.0476 0.3084 0.15763 2018 1 30 58148 0.0465 0.3093 0.15636 2018 1 31 58149 0.0455 0.3103 0.15497 2018 2 1 58150 0.0445 0.3112 0.15339 2018 2 2 58151 0.0435 0.3122 0.15169 2018 2 3 58152 0.0426 0.3132 0.14990 2018 2 4 58153 0.0416 0.3142 0.14806 2018 2 5 58154 0.0407 0.3152 0.14620 2018 2 6 58155 0.0398 0.3163 0.14435 2018 2 7 58156 0.0390 0.3173 0.14258 2018 2 8 58157 0.0381 0.3184 0.14088 2018 2 9 58158 0.0373 0.3195 0.13935 2018 2 10 58159 0.0365 0.3206 0.13800 2018 2 11 58160 0.0357 0.3217 0.13673 2018 2 12 58161 0.0349 0.3228 0.13552 2018 2 13 58162 0.0342 0.3239 0.13436 2018 2 14 58163 0.0335 0.3250 0.13319 2018 2 15 58164 0.0328 0.3262 0.13196 2018 2 16 58165 0.0321 0.3274 0.13065 2018 2 17 58166 0.0315 0.3285 0.12923 2018 2 18 58167 0.0308 0.3297 0.12768 2018 2 19 58168 0.0302 0.3309 0.12606 2018 2 20 58169 0.0297 0.3321 0.12438 2018 2 21 58170 0.0291 0.3333 0.12268 2018 2 22 58171 0.0286 0.3345 0.12100 2018 2 23 58172 0.0281 0.3358 0.11936 2018 2 24 58173 0.0276 0.3370 0.11782 2018 2 25 58174 0.0271 0.3382 0.11633 2018 2 26 58175 0.0267 0.3395 0.11484 2018 2 27 58176 0.0263 0.3407 0.11329 2018 2 28 58177 0.0259 0.3420 0.11160 2018 3 1 58178 0.0256 0.3433 0.10973 2018 3 2 58179 0.0253 0.3446 0.10771 2018 3 3 58180 0.0250 0.3458 0.10555 2018 3 4 58181 0.0247 0.3471 0.10329 2018 3 5 58182 0.0244 0.3484 0.10103 2018 3 6 58183 0.0242 0.3497 0.09884 2018 3 7 58184 0.0240 0.3510 0.09677 2018 3 8 58185 0.0238 0.3523 0.09484 2018 3 9 58186 0.0237 0.3536 0.09301 2018 3 10 58187 0.0236 0.3549 0.09124 2018 3 11 58188 0.0235 0.3562 0.08953 2018 3 12 58189 0.0234 0.3575 0.08785 2018 3 13 58190 0.0234 0.3588 0.08611 2018 3 14 58191 0.0233 0.3601 0.08426 2018 3 15 58192 0.0233 0.3614 0.08229 2018 3 16 58193 0.0234 0.3627 0.08017 2018 3 17 58194 0.0234 0.3640 0.07788 2018 3 18 58195 0.0235 0.3653 0.07540 2018 3 19 58196 0.0236 0.3666 0.07278 2018 3 20 58197 0.0238 0.3679 0.07010 2018 3 21 58198 0.0239 0.3692 0.06753 2018 3 22 58199 0.0241 0.3705 0.06512 2018 3 23 58200 0.0243 0.3718 0.06287 2018 3 24 58201 0.0246 0.3731 0.06076 2018 3 25 58202 0.0248 0.3744 0.05871 2018 3 26 58203 0.0251 0.3757 0.05665 2018 3 27 58204 0.0254 0.3770 0.05452 2018 3 28 58205 0.0258 0.3782 0.05232 2018 3 29 58206 0.0261 0.3795 0.05003 2018 3 30 58207 0.0265 0.3808 0.04770 2018 3 31 58208 0.0269 0.3820 0.04541 2018 4 1 58209 0.0274 0.3833 0.04319 2018 4 2 58210 0.0278 0.3845 0.04103 2018 4 3 58211 0.0283 0.3857 0.03895 2018 4 4 58212 0.0288 0.3870 0.03701 2018 4 5 58213 0.0294 0.3882 0.03522 2018 4 6 58214 0.0299 0.3894 0.03357 2018 4 7 58215 0.0305 0.3906 0.03203 2018 4 8 58216 0.0311 0.3918 0.03055 2018 4 9 58217 0.0318 0.3930 0.02910 2018 4 10 58218 0.0324 0.3941 0.02766 2018 4 11 58219 0.0331 0.3953 0.02616 2018 4 12 58220 0.0338 0.3964 0.02451 2018 4 13 58221 0.0345 0.3976 0.02272 These predictions are based on all announced leap seconds. CELESTIAL POLE OFFSET SERIES: NEOS Celestial Pole Offset Series MJD dpsi error deps error (msec. of arc) 57834 -98.62 0.30 -11.96 0.07 57835 -98.33 0.30 -11.96 0.07 57836 -98.26 0.30 -12.08 0.07 57837 -98.41 0.30 -12.27 0.02 57838 -98.51 0.30 -12.33 0.02 57839 -98.34 0.30 -12.17 0.02 57840 -98.05 0.30 -11.91 0.03 IAU2000A Celestial Pole Offset Series MJD dX error dY error (msec. of arc) 57834 -0.061 0.119 -0.164 0.070 57835 -0.086 0.119 -0.138 0.070 57836 -0.118 0.119 -0.130 0.070 57837 -0.149 0.119 -0.150 0.020 57838 -0.163 0.119 -0.147 0.020 57839 -0.163 0.119 -0.119 0.020 57840 -0.172 0.119 -0.076 0.030 The recommended software to predict celestial pole offsets can be found at and software for the calculation of the dX and dY components with respect to IAU2000A Nutation/Precession Theory can be found at the web site in Chapter 5 Section 5.5 of the IERS Conventions (2010).