********************************************************************** * * * I E R S B U L L E T I N - A * * * * Rapid Service/Prediction of Earth Orientation * ********************************************************************** 28 July 2005 Vol. XVIII No. 030 ______________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION: To receive this information electronically, contact: ser7@maia.usno.navy.mil or use MJD = Julian Date - 2 400 000.5 days UT2-UT1 = 0.022 sin(2*pi*T) - 0.012 cos(2*pi*T) - 0.006 sin(4*pi*T) + 0.007 cos(4*pi*T) where pi = 3.14159265... and T is the date in Besselian years. TT = TAI + 32.184 seconds DUT1= (UT1-UTC) transmitted with time signals = -0.6 seconds beginning 17 March 2005 at 0000 UTC Beginning 1 January 1999: TAI-UTC(BIPM) = 32.000 000 seconds ********************************************************************** * No leap second was introduced in UTC on 30 June 2005. A positive * * leap second will be introduced in UTC on 31 December 2005. * * Bulletin A is now compliant with IAU 2000 resolutions. * * See notice at the end of this Bulletin A for more details. * ********************************************************************** ________________________________________________________________________ The contributed observations used in the preparation of this Bulletin are available at . The contributed analysis results are based on data from Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), and meteorological predictions of variations in Atmospheric Angular Momentum (AAM). ________________________________________________________________________ COMBINED EARTH ORIENTATION PARAMETERS: IERS Rapid Service MJD x error y error UT1-UTC error " " " " s s 5 7 22 53573 -.01533 .00005 .41602 .00005 -.603442 .000017 5 7 23 53574 -.01398 .00005 .41685 .00006 -.603171 .000014 5 7 24 53575 -.01293 .00005 .41766 .00005 -.603302 .000012 5 7 25 53576 -.01206 .00004 .41842 .00005 -.603702 .000013 5 7 26 53577 -.01122 .00003 .41898 .00005 -.604189 .000013 5 7 27 53578 -.01031 .00002 .41942 .00005 -.604637 .000013 5 7 28 53579 -.00923 .00003 .41991 .00004 -.604858 .000010 _______________________________________________________________________ PREDICTIONS: The following formulas will not reproduce the predictions given below, but may be used to extend the predictions beyond the end of this table. x = .0503 + .0539 cos A + .0658 sin A - .1221 cos C + .0145 sin C y = .3472 + .0639 cos A - .0540 sin A + .0145 cos C + .1221 sin C UT1-UTC = -.6153 - .00040 (MJD - 53584) - (UT2-UT1) where A = 2*pi*(MJD-53579)/365.25 and C = 2*pi*(MJD-53579)/435. TAI-UTC(MJD 53580) = 32.0 The accuracy may be estimated from the expressions: S x,y = 0.00068 (MJD-53579)**0.80 S t = 0.00025 (MJD-53579)**0.75 Estimated accuracies are: Predictions 10 d 20 d 30 d 40 d Polar coord's 0.004 0.007 0.010 0.013 UT1-UTC 0.0014 0.0024 0.0032 0.0040 MJD x(arcsec) y(arcsec) UT1-UTC(sec) 2005 7 29 53580 -0.0081 0.4205 -0.60477 2005 7 30 53581 -0.0069 0.4211 -0.60444 2005 7 31 53582 -0.0056 0.4217 -0.60392 2005 8 1 53583 -0.0043 0.4223 -0.60330 2005 8 2 53584 -0.0029 0.4230 -0.60263 2005 8 3 53585 -0.0016 0.4236 -0.60196 2005 8 4 53586 -0.0002 0.4243 -0.60135 2005 8 5 53587 0.0013 0.4249 -0.60087 2005 8 6 53588 0.0027 0.4256 -0.60059 2005 8 7 53589 0.0041 0.4262 -0.60046 2005 8 8 53590 0.0055 0.4268 -0.60045 2005 8 9 53591 0.0070 0.4274 -0.60051 2005 8 10 53592 0.0084 0.4279 -0.60060 2005 8 11 53593 0.0099 0.4285 -0.60067 2005 8 12 53594 0.0113 0.4290 -0.60065 2005 8 13 53595 0.0127 0.4295 -0.60048 2005 8 14 53596 0.0142 0.4300 -0.60013 2005 8 15 53597 0.0156 0.4304 -0.59959 2005 8 16 53598 0.0170 0.4309 -0.59894 2005 8 17 53599 0.0184 0.4313 -0.59829 2005 8 18 53600 0.0198 0.4317 -0.59779 2005 8 19 53601 0.0212 0.4320 -0.59759 2005 8 20 53602 0.0226 0.4324 -0.59774 2005 8 21 53603 0.0240 0.4327 -0.59819 2005 8 22 53604 0.0254 0.4330 -0.59880 2005 8 23 53605 0.0268 0.4333 -0.59940 2005 8 24 53606 0.0282 0.4335 -0.59983 2005 8 25 53607 0.0295 0.4338 -0.60001 2005 8 26 53608 0.0309 0.4340 -0.59992 2005 8 27 53609 0.0322 0.4342 -0.59958 2005 8 28 53610 0.0336 0.4344 -0.59908 2005 8 29 53611 0.0349 0.4346 -0.59850 2005 8 30 53612 0.0362 0.4347 -0.59793 2005 8 31 53613 0.0376 0.4348 -0.59744 2005 9 1 53614 0.0389 0.4349 -0.59710 2005 9 2 53615 0.0402 0.4350 -0.59694 2005 9 3 53616 0.0415 0.4351 -0.59698 2005 9 4 53617 0.0428 0.4351 -0.59720 2005 9 5 53618 0.0440 0.4352 -0.59757 2005 9 6 53619 0.0453 0.4352 -0.59800 2005 9 7 53620 0.0466 0.4352 -0.59845 2005 9 8 53621 0.0478 0.4351 -0.59883 2005 9 9 53622 0.0491 0.4351 -0.59908 2005 9 10 53623 0.0504 0.4350 -0.59917 2005 9 11 53624 0.0516 0.4349 -0.59910 2005 9 12 53625 0.0528 0.4348 -0.59891 2005 9 13 53626 0.0540 0.4347 -0.59872 2005 9 14 53627 0.0552 0.4346 -0.59865 2005 9 15 53628 0.0564 0.4344 -0.59884 2005 9 16 53629 0.0576 0.4343 -0.59937 2005 9 17 53630 0.0588 0.4341 -0.60024 2005 9 18 53631 0.0599 0.4339 -0.60134 2005 9 19 53632 0.0611 0.4337 -0.60253 2005 9 20 53633 0.0623 0.4334 -0.60363 2005 9 21 53634 0.0634 0.4332 -0.60449 2005 9 22 53635 0.0645 0.4329 -0.60507 2005 9 23 53636 0.0657 0.4326 -0.60537 2005 9 24 53637 0.0668 0.4323 -0.60547 2005 9 25 53638 0.0679 0.4320 -0.60544 2005 9 26 53639 0.0690 0.4317 -0.60539 2005 9 27 53640 0.0700 0.4313 -0.60539 2005 9 28 53641 0.0711 0.4310 -0.60550 2005 9 29 53642 0.0722 0.4306 -0.60578 2005 9 30 53643 0.0732 0.4302 -0.60624 2005 10 1 53644 0.0743 0.4298 -0.60689 2005 10 2 53645 0.0753 0.4294 -0.60768 2005 10 3 53646 0.0763 0.4289 -0.60857 2005 10 4 53647 0.0773 0.4285 -0.60947 2005 10 5 53648 0.0783 0.4280 -0.61030 2005 10 6 53649 0.0793 0.4275 -0.61099 2005 10 7 53650 0.0803 0.4270 -0.61148 2005 10 8 53651 0.0813 0.4265 -0.61178 2005 10 9 53652 0.0822 0.4260 -0.61191 2005 10 10 53653 0.0832 0.4254 -0.61198 2005 10 11 53654 0.0841 0.4249 -0.61210 2005 10 12 53655 0.0851 0.4243 -0.61241 2005 10 13 53656 0.0860 0.4237 -0.61300 2005 10 14 53657 0.0869 0.4231 -0.61392 2005 10 15 53658 0.0878 0.4225 -0.61511 2005 10 16 53659 0.0887 0.4219 -0.61645 2005 10 17 53660 0.0896 0.4213 -0.61779 2005 10 18 53661 0.0904 0.4206 -0.61898 2005 10 19 53662 0.0913 0.4199 -0.61990 2005 10 20 53663 0.0921 0.4193 -0.62055 2005 10 21 53664 0.0929 0.4186 -0.62095 2005 10 22 53665 0.0938 0.4179 -0.62118 2005 10 23 53666 0.0946 0.4172 -0.62136 2005 10 24 53667 0.0954 0.4165 -0.62156 2005 10 25 53668 0.0962 0.4157 -0.62186 2005 10 26 53669 0.0969 0.4150 -0.62232 2005 10 27 53670 0.0977 0.4142 -0.62297 2005 10 28 53671 0.0985 0.4135 -0.62380 2005 10 29 53672 0.0992 0.4127 -0.62479 2005 10 30 53673 0.0999 0.4119 -0.62591 2005 10 31 53674 0.1007 0.4111 -0.62706 2005 11 1 53675 0.1014 0.4103 -0.62817 2005 11 2 53676 0.1021 0.4095 -0.62915 2005 11 3 53677 0.1028 0.4087 -0.62994 2005 11 4 53678 0.1034 0.4078 -0.63051 2005 11 5 53679 0.1041 0.4070 -0.63089 2005 11 6 53680 0.1047 0.4061 -0.63117 2005 11 7 53681 0.1054 0.4053 -0.63147 2005 11 8 53682 0.1060 0.4044 -0.63191 2005 11 9 53683 0.1066 0.4035 -0.63260 2005 11 10 53684 0.1072 0.4026 -0.63357 2005 11 11 53685 0.1078 0.4017 -0.63478 2005 11 12 53686 0.1084 0.4008 -0.63615 2005 11 13 53687 0.1090 0.3999 -0.63754 2005 11 14 53688 0.1095 0.3990 -0.63881 2005 11 15 53689 0.1101 0.3980 -0.63985 2005 11 16 53690 0.1106 0.3971 -0.64061 2005 11 17 53691 0.1111 0.3962 -0.64109 2005 11 18 53692 0.1116 0.3952 -0.64136 2005 11 19 53693 0.1121 0.3943 -0.64151 2005 11 20 53694 0.1126 0.3933 -0.64164 2005 11 21 53695 0.1131 0.3923 -0.64183 2005 11 22 53696 0.1136 0.3914 -0.64214 2005 11 23 53697 0.1140 0.3904 -0.64261 2005 11 24 53698 0.1144 0.3894 -0.64326 2005 11 25 53699 0.1149 0.3884 -0.64406 2005 11 26 53700 0.1153 0.3874 -0.64499 2005 11 27 53701 0.1157 0.3864 -0.64597 2005 11 28 53702 0.1160 0.3854 -0.64694 2005 11 29 53703 0.1164 0.3844 -0.64782 2005 11 30 53704 0.1168 0.3834 -0.64853 2005 12 1 53705 0.1171 0.3824 -0.64903 2005 12 2 53706 0.1174 0.3814 -0.64932 2005 12 3 53707 0.1178 0.3804 -0.64947 2005 12 4 53708 0.1181 0.3793 -0.64959 2005 12 5 53709 0.1184 0.3783 -0.64981 2005 12 6 53710 0.1186 0.3773 -0.65026 2005 12 7 53711 0.1189 0.3763 -0.65098 2005 12 8 53712 0.1192 0.3752 -0.65195 2005 12 9 53713 0.1194 0.3742 -0.65307 2005 12 10 53714 0.1196 0.3732 -0.65423 2005 12 11 53715 0.1198 0.3722 -0.65528 2005 12 12 53716 0.1200 0.3711 -0.65612 2005 12 13 53717 0.1202 0.3701 -0.65671 2005 12 14 53718 0.1204 0.3691 -0.65702 2005 12 15 53719 0.1205 0.3680 -0.65712 2005 12 16 53720 0.1207 0.3670 -0.65708 2005 12 17 53721 0.1208 0.3660 -0.65699 2005 12 18 53722 0.1209 0.3649 -0.65694 2005 12 19 53723 0.1210 0.3639 -0.65699 2005 12 20 53724 0.1211 0.3629 -0.65720 2005 12 21 53725 0.1212 0.3619 -0.65758 2005 12 22 53726 0.1212 0.3608 -0.65811 2005 12 23 53727 0.1213 0.3598 -0.65877 2005 12 24 53728 0.1213 0.3588 -0.65950 2005 12 25 53729 0.1213 0.3578 -0.66024 2005 12 26 53730 0.1213 0.3568 -0.66091 2005 12 27 53731 0.1213 0.3558 -0.66146 2005 12 28 53732 0.1213 0.3548 -0.66183 2005 12 29 53733 0.1213 0.3538 -0.66199 2005 12 30 53734 0.1212 0.3528 -0.66198 2005 12 31 53735 0.1211 0.3518 -0.66192 2006 1 1 53736 0.1211 0.3508 0.33807 2006 1 2 53737 0.1210 0.3498 0.33785 2006 1 3 53738 0.1209 0.3489 0.33734 2006 1 4 53739 0.1207 0.3479 0.33654 2006 1 5 53740 0.1206 0.3469 0.33555 2006 1 6 53741 0.1205 0.3460 0.33450 2006 1 7 53742 0.1203 0.3450 0.33355 2006 1 8 53743 0.1201 0.3441 0.33280 2006 1 9 53744 0.1199 0.3432 0.33232 2006 1 10 53745 0.1197 0.3422 0.33211 2006 1 11 53746 0.1195 0.3413 0.33211 2006 1 12 53747 0.1193 0.3404 0.33226 2006 1 13 53748 0.1190 0.3395 0.33247 2006 1 14 53749 0.1188 0.3386 0.33265 2006 1 15 53750 0.1185 0.3377 0.33273 2006 1 16 53751 0.1182 0.3368 0.33266 2006 1 17 53752 0.1179 0.3360 0.33241 2006 1 18 53753 0.1176 0.3351 0.33199 2006 1 19 53754 0.1173 0.3343 0.33143 2006 1 20 53755 0.1170 0.3334 0.33078 2006 1 21 53756 0.1166 0.3326 0.33011 2006 1 22 53757 0.1163 0.3318 0.32947 2006 1 23 53758 0.1159 0.3310 0.32894 2006 1 24 53759 0.1155 0.3302 0.32856 2006 1 25 53760 0.1151 0.3294 0.32836 2006 1 26 53761 0.1147 0.3286 0.32833 2006 1 27 53762 0.1143 0.3278 0.32838 2006 1 28 53763 0.1139 0.3270 0.32839 2006 1 29 53764 0.1135 0.3263 0.32821 2006 1 30 53765 0.1130 0.3256 0.32769 2006 1 31 53766 0.1125 0.3248 0.32681 2006 2 1 53767 0.1121 0.3241 0.32561 2006 2 2 53768 0.1116 0.3234 0.32423 2006 2 3 53769 0.1111 0.3227 0.32285 2006 2 4 53770 0.1106 0.3220 0.32164 2006 2 5 53771 0.1100 0.3213 0.32069 2006 2 6 53772 0.1095 0.3206 0.32004 2006 2 7 53773 0.1089 0.3200 0.31967 2006 2 8 53774 0.1084 0.3193 0.31952 2006 2 9 53775 0.1078 0.3187 0.31949 2006 2 10 53776 0.1072 0.3180 0.31950 2006 2 11 53777 0.1066 0.3174 0.31944 2006 2 12 53778 0.1060 0.3168 0.31925 2006 2 13 53779 0.1054 0.3162 0.31886 2006 2 14 53780 0.1048 0.3156 0.31827 2006 2 15 53781 0.1042 0.3151 0.31749 2006 2 16 53782 0.1036 0.3145 0.31656 2006 2 17 53783 0.1029 0.3140 0.31556 2006 2 18 53784 0.1023 0.3134 0.31458 2006 2 19 53785 0.1017 0.3129 0.31369 2006 2 20 53786 0.1010 0.3124 0.31294 2006 2 21 53787 0.1003 0.3119 0.31239 2006 2 22 53788 0.0997 0.3114 0.31202 2006 2 23 53789 0.0990 0.3110 0.31180 2006 2 24 53790 0.0983 0.3105 0.31162 2006 2 25 53791 0.0977 0.3101 0.31135 2006 2 26 53792 0.0970 0.3096 0.31086 2006 2 27 53793 0.0963 0.3092 0.31003 2006 2 28 53794 0.0956 0.3088 0.30885 2006 3 1 53795 0.0949 0.3084 0.30746 2006 3 2 53796 0.0942 0.3081 0.30603 2006 3 3 53797 0.0935 0.3077 0.30473 2006 3 4 53798 0.0928 0.3073 0.30372 2006 3 5 53799 0.0921 0.3070 0.30306 2006 3 6 53800 0.0914 0.3067 0.30271 2006 3 7 53801 0.0907 0.3064 0.30250 2006 3 8 53802 0.0900 0.3061 0.30238 2006 3 9 53803 0.0893 0.3058 0.30227 2006 3 10 53804 0.0886 0.3055 0.30209 2006 3 11 53805 0.0878 0.3052 0.30174 2006 3 12 53806 0.0871 0.3050 0.30118 2006 3 13 53807 0.0864 0.3047 0.30042 2006 3 14 53808 0.0857 0.3045 0.29956 2006 3 15 53809 0.0850 0.3043 0.29850 2006 3 16 53810 0.0843 0.3041 0.29737 2006 3 17 53811 0.0836 0.3039 0.29629 2006 3 18 53812 0.0829 0.3037 0.29529 2006 3 19 53813 0.0822 0.3035 0.29443 2006 3 20 53814 0.0815 0.3034 0.29373 2006 3 21 53815 0.0808 0.3032 0.29320 2006 3 22 53816 0.0801 0.3031 0.29287 2006 3 23 53817 0.0794 0.3029 0.29259 2006 3 24 53818 0.0787 0.3028 0.29223 2006 3 25 53819 0.0780 0.3027 0.29167 2006 3 26 53820 0.0773 0.3026 0.29086 2006 3 27 53821 0.0766 0.3025 0.28967 2006 3 28 53822 0.0760 0.3024 0.28819 2006 3 29 53823 0.0753 0.3024 0.28660 2006 3 30 53824 0.0746 0.3023 0.28508 2006 3 31 53825 0.0740 0.3022 0.28379 2006 4 1 53826 0.0733 0.3022 0.28283 2006 4 2 53827 0.0726 0.3022 0.28218 2006 4 3 53828 0.0720 0.3021 0.28181 2006 4 4 53829 0.0714 0.3021 0.28167 2006 4 5 53830 0.0707 0.3021 0.28153 2006 4 6 53831 0.0701 0.3021 0.28135 2006 4 7 53832 0.0695 0.3021 0.28106 2006 4 8 53833 0.0689 0.3021 0.28060 2006 4 9 53834 0.0683 0.3021 0.27993 2006 4 10 53835 0.0677 0.3022 0.27912 2006 4 11 53836 0.0671 0.3022 0.27816 2006 4 12 53837 0.0665 0.3022 0.27715 2006 4 13 53838 0.0659 0.3023 0.27616 2006 4 14 53839 0.0653 0.3023 0.27523 2006 4 15 53840 0.0648 0.3024 0.27445 2006 4 16 53841 0.0642 0.3024 0.27385 2006 4 17 53842 0.0637 0.3025 0.27345 2006 4 18 53843 0.0631 0.3026 0.27322 2006 4 19 53844 0.0626 0.3027 0.27305 2006 4 20 53845 0.0621 0.3028 0.27286 2006 4 21 53846 0.0616 0.3028 0.27251 2006 4 22 53847 0.0611 0.3029 0.27187 2006 4 23 53848 0.0606 0.3030 0.27100 2006 4 24 53849 0.0601 0.3031 0.26984 2006 4 25 53850 0.0596 0.3032 0.26850 2006 4 26 53851 0.0592 0.3034 0.26717 2006 4 27 53852 0.0587 0.3035 0.26602 2006 4 28 53853 0.0583 0.3036 0.26519 2006 4 29 53854 0.0578 0.3037 0.26474 2006 4 30 53855 0.0574 0.3038 0.26466 2006 5 1 53856 0.0570 0.3040 0.26479 2006 5 2 53857 0.0565 0.3041 0.26502 2006 5 3 53858 0.0561 0.3042 0.26527 2006 5 4 53859 0.0557 0.3044 0.26546 2006 5 5 53860 0.0554 0.3045 0.26553 2006 5 6 53861 0.0550 0.3046 0.26541 2006 5 7 53862 0.0546 0.3048 0.26513 2006 5 8 53863 0.0543 0.3049 0.26477 2006 5 9 53864 0.0539 0.3051 0.26439 2006 5 10 53865 0.0536 0.3052 0.26408 2006 5 11 53866 0.0532 0.3053 0.26385 2006 5 12 53867 0.0529 0.3055 0.26374 2006 5 13 53868 0.0526 0.3056 0.26379 2006 5 14 53869 0.0523 0.3058 0.26403 2006 5 15 53870 0.0520 0.3059 0.26446 2006 5 16 53871 0.0517 0.3061 0.26501 2006 5 17 53872 0.0514 0.3062 0.26555 2006 5 18 53873 0.0512 0.3064 0.26595 2006 5 19 53874 0.0509 0.3065 0.26607 2006 5 20 53875 0.0506 0.3067 0.26583 2006 5 21 53876 0.0504 0.3068 0.26538 2006 5 22 53877 0.0501 0.3070 0.26473 2006 5 23 53878 0.0499 0.3071 0.26403 2006 5 24 53879 0.0497 0.3072 0.26344 2006 5 25 53880 0.0495 0.3074 0.26306 2006 5 26 53881 0.0492 0.3075 0.26295 2006 5 27 53882 0.0490 0.3077 0.26318 2006 5 28 53883 0.0488 0.3078 0.26351 2006 5 29 53884 0.0486 0.3080 0.26400 2006 5 30 53885 0.0485 0.3081 0.26457 2006 5 31 53886 0.0483 0.3082 0.26513 2006 6 1 53887 0.0481 0.3084 0.26564 2006 6 2 53888 0.0479 0.3085 0.26603 2006 6 3 53889 0.0478 0.3086 0.26631 2006 6 4 53890 0.0476 0.3088 0.26655 2006 6 5 53891 0.0475 0.3089 0.26670 2006 6 6 53892 0.0473 0.3090 0.26681 2006 6 7 53893 0.0472 0.3092 0.26699 2006 6 8 53894 0.0470 0.3093 0.26734 2006 6 9 53895 0.0469 0.3094 0.26783 2006 6 10 53896 0.0467 0.3095 0.26852 2006 6 11 53897 0.0466 0.3097 0.26942 2006 6 12 53898 0.0465 0.3098 0.27045 2006 6 13 53899 0.0464 0.3099 0.27152 2006 6 14 53900 0.0462 0.3100 0.27252 2006 6 15 53901 0.0461 0.3101 0.27333 2006 6 16 53902 0.0460 0.3102 0.27385 2006 6 17 53903 0.0459 0.3104 0.27403 2006 6 18 53904 0.0458 0.3105 0.27401 2006 6 19 53905 0.0457 0.3106 0.27388 2006 6 20 53906 0.0456 0.3107 0.27380 2006 6 21 53907 0.0455 0.3108 0.27394 2006 6 22 53908 0.0454 0.3109 0.27442 2006 6 23 53909 0.0452 0.3110 0.27524 2006 6 24 53910 0.0451 0.3111 0.27640 2006 6 25 53911 0.0450 0.3112 0.27778 2006 6 26 53912 0.0449 0.3113 0.27924 2006 6 27 53913 0.0448 0.3114 0.28064 2006 6 28 53914 0.0447 0.3115 0.28187 2006 6 29 53915 0.0446 0.3116 0.28285 2006 6 30 53916 0.0445 0.3117 0.28356 2006 7 1 53917 0.0444 0.3118 0.28407 2006 7 2 53918 0.0443 0.3119 0.28448 2006 7 3 53919 0.0442 0.3120 0.28481 2006 7 4 53920 0.0440 0.3120 0.28514 2006 7 5 53921 0.0439 0.3121 0.28556 2006 7 6 53922 0.0438 0.3122 0.28612 2006 7 7 53923 0.0437 0.3123 0.28687 2006 7 8 53924 0.0436 0.3124 0.28780 2006 7 9 53925 0.0434 0.3125 0.28879 2006 7 10 53926 0.0433 0.3126 0.28981 2006 7 11 53927 0.0432 0.3127 0.29069 2006 7 12 53928 0.0430 0.3128 0.29144 2006 7 13 53929 0.0429 0.3129 0.29190 2006 7 14 53930 0.0427 0.3130 0.29201 2006 7 15 53931 0.0426 0.3130 0.29185 2006 7 16 53932 0.0424 0.3131 0.29158 2006 7 17 53933 0.0423 0.3132 0.29138 2006 7 18 53934 0.0421 0.3133 0.29137 2006 7 19 53935 0.0419 0.3134 0.29166 2006 7 20 53936 0.0417 0.3135 0.29225 2006 7 21 53937 0.0416 0.3136 0.29308 2006 7 22 53938 0.0414 0.3137 0.29406 2006 7 23 53939 0.0412 0.3138 0.29512 2006 7 24 53940 0.0410 0.3139 0.29610 2006 7 25 53941 0.0408 0.3140 0.29702 2006 7 26 53942 0.0406 0.3141 0.29775 2006 7 27 53943 0.0404 0.3143 0.29831 2006 7 28 53944 0.0402 0.3144 0.29873 These predictions are based on all announced leap seconds. CELESTIAL POLE OFFSET SERIES: NEOS Celestial Pole Offset Series MJD dpsi error deps error (msec. of arc) 53560 -59.84 .35 -5.13 .34 53561 -59.95 .37 -4.89 .34 53562 -59.94 .37 -4.77 .34 53563 -59.80 .14 -4.61 .11 53564 -59.76 .13 -4.45 .34 53565 -60.14 .13 -4.45 .34 53566 -60.93 .13 -4.71 .34 IAU2000A Celestial Pole Offset Series MJD dX error dY error (msec. of arc) 53560 0.051 0.139 -0.077 0.340 53561 0.044 0.147 -0.068 0.340 53562 0.030 0.147 -0.074 0.340 53563 0.016 0.056 -0.054 0.110 53564 -0.000 0.052 -0.049 0.340 53565 -0.022 0.052 -0.072 0.340 53566 -0.032 0.052 -0.133 0.340 The IERS Conventions recommended software to predict celestial pole offsets is available at ftp://maia.usno.navy.mil/conventions/chapter5/ ceppred.f and software for the calculation of the dX and dY with respect to IAU2000A Nutation/Precession Theory can be found at the web site in section chapter 5. ************************************************************************** Important Notices - Important Notices - Important Notices ************************************************************************** On 04 November 2004 a new VLBI Intensive series produced by USNO's VLBI Analysis Group was introduced into the Bulletin A EOP series. ************************************************************************** Important Notice - IAU 2000 Resolution Compliancy Information ************************************************************************** Resolutions passed at the 24th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) recommend the implementation of a number of new procedures concerning the transformation between the celestial and terrestrial reference systems. Information regarding these procedures is available in Chapter 5 of the IERS Conventions 2003 available at . With these resolutions, beginning on 1 January 2003, IERS Bulletins A and B will publish new products in addition to those already published. These products will include the celestial pole offsets X_obs-X_IAU2000A and Y_obs-Y_IAU2000A where X_obs and Y_obs are the observed X, Y coordinates of the Celestial Intermediate Pole in the Geocentric Celestial Reference System, and X_IAU2000A and Y_IAU2000A are the celestial pole coordinates provided by using the IAU2000A Precession-Nutation theory. It is expected that Celestial Pole offsets related to the IAU1980 Nutation Theory will continue to be published through 30 September 2005. The new celestial pole offsets related to the new IAU2000A Precession-Nutation theory will be produced in a separate data file as well as appended to to this file. ************************************************************************** Important Notice - IAU 2000 Resolution Compliancy Information **************************************************************************