********************************************************************** * * * I E R S B U L L E T I N - A * * * * Rapid Service/Prediction of Earth Orientation * ********************************************************************** 30 March 2006 Vol. XIX No. 013 ______________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION: To receive this information electronically, contact: ser7@maia.usno.navy.mil or use MJD = Julian Date - 2 400 000.5 days UT2-UT1 = 0.022 sin(2*pi*T) - 0.012 cos(2*pi*T) - 0.006 sin(4*pi*T) + 0.007 cos(4*pi*T) where pi = 3.14159265... and T is the date in Besselian years. TT = TAI + 32.184 seconds DUT1= (UT1-UTC) transmitted with time signals = +0.3 seconds beginning 01 January 2006 at 0000 UTC Beginning 1 January 2006: TAI-UTC(BIPM) = 33.000 000 seconds ********************************************************************** * No leap second will be introduced into UTC on June 30, 2006. * * Last positive leap second was introduced in UTC on December 2005. * * * * See notice at the end of this Bulletin A for more details. * ********************************************************************** ________________________________________________________________________ The contributed observations used in the preparation of this Bulletin are available at . The contributed analysis results are based on data from Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), and meteorological predictions of variations in Atmospheric Angular Momentum (AAM). ________________________________________________________________________ COMBINED EARTH ORIENTATION PARAMETERS: IERS Rapid Service MJD x error y error UT1-UTC error " " " " s s 6 3 24 53818 .09726 .00002 .37708 .00005 .279338 .000009 6 3 25 53819 .09803 .00002 .37681 .00005 .278523 .000010 6 3 26 53820 .09866 .00002 .37662 .00005 .277344 .000009 6 3 27 53821 .09931 .00002 .37636 .00004 .275799 .000011 6 3 28 53822 .10005 .00001 .37593 .00004 .273947 .000011 6 3 29 53823 .10086 .00001 .37549 .00004 .271908 .000013 6 3 30 53824 .10154 .00001 .37509 .00004 .269911 .000011 _______________________________________________________________________ PREDICTIONS: The following formulas will not reproduce the predictions given below, but may be used to extend the predictions beyond the end of this table. x = .0592 - .1541 cos A + .0706 sin A + .1855 cos C - .0383 sin C y = .3570 + .0615 cos A + .1443 sin A - .0383 cos C - .1855 sin C UT1-UTC = .2800 - .00041 (MJD - 53829) - (UT2-UT1) where A = 2*pi*(MJD-53824)/365.25 and C = 2*pi*(MJD-53824)/435. TAI-UTC(MJD 53825) = 33.0 The accuracy may be estimated from the expressions: S x,y = 0.00068 (MJD-53824)**0.80 S t = 0.00025 (MJD-53824)**0.75 Estimated accuracies are: Predictions 10 d 20 d 30 d 40 d Polar coord's 0.004 0.007 0.010 0.013 UT1-UTC 0.0014 0.0024 0.0032 0.0040 MJD x(arcsec) y(arcsec) UT1-UTC(sec) 2006 3 31 53825 0.1021 0.3747 0.26816 2006 4 1 53826 0.1027 0.3744 0.26672 2006 4 2 53827 0.1034 0.3741 0.26560 2006 4 3 53828 0.1040 0.3738 0.26475 2006 4 4 53829 0.1046 0.3736 0.26407 2006 4 5 53830 0.1052 0.3733 0.26344 2006 4 6 53831 0.1058 0.3730 0.26278 2006 4 7 53832 0.1064 0.3727 0.26202 2006 4 8 53833 0.1070 0.3724 0.26109 2006 4 9 53834 0.1076 0.3721 0.26001 2006 4 10 53835 0.1082 0.3718 0.25879 2006 4 11 53836 0.1088 0.3715 0.25749 2006 4 12 53837 0.1094 0.3711 0.25616 2006 4 13 53838 0.1099 0.3708 0.25489 2006 4 14 53839 0.1105 0.3704 0.25373 2006 4 15 53840 0.1111 0.3700 0.25275 2006 4 16 53841 0.1116 0.3696 0.25199 2006 4 17 53842 0.1122 0.3693 0.25143 2006 4 18 53843 0.1127 0.3688 0.25103 2006 4 19 53844 0.1132 0.3684 0.25069 2006 4 20 53845 0.1137 0.3680 0.25030 2006 4 21 53846 0.1143 0.3676 0.24974 2006 4 22 53847 0.1148 0.3671 0.24892 2006 4 23 53848 0.1153 0.3667 0.24778 2006 4 24 53849 0.1157 0.3662 0.24635 2006 4 25 53850 0.1162 0.3657 0.24471 2006 4 26 53851 0.1167 0.3652 0.24303 2006 4 27 53852 0.1172 0.3647 0.24148 2006 4 28 53853 0.1176 0.3642 0.24020 2006 4 29 53854 0.1181 0.3637 0.23926 2006 4 30 53855 0.1185 0.3632 0.23862 2006 5 1 53856 0.1190 0.3626 0.23819 2006 5 2 53857 0.1194 0.3621 0.23786 2006 5 3 53858 0.1198 0.3615 0.23752 2006 5 4 53859 0.1202 0.3609 0.23709 2006 5 5 53860 0.1206 0.3603 0.23653 2006 5 6 53861 0.1210 0.3597 0.23581 2006 5 7 53862 0.1214 0.3591 0.23493 2006 5 8 53863 0.1217 0.3585 0.23392 2006 5 9 53864 0.1221 0.3579 0.23284 2006 5 10 53865 0.1225 0.3572 0.23176 2006 5 11 53866 0.1228 0.3566 0.23076 2006 5 12 53867 0.1231 0.3559 0.22991 2006 5 13 53868 0.1235 0.3553 0.22927 2006 5 14 53869 0.1238 0.3546 0.22885 2006 5 15 53870 0.1241 0.3539 0.22863 2006 5 16 53871 0.1244 0.3532 0.22856 2006 5 17 53872 0.1247 0.3525 0.22852 2006 5 18 53873 0.1249 0.3517 0.22840 2006 5 19 53874 0.1252 0.3510 0.22809 2006 5 20 53875 0.1255 0.3502 0.22753 2006 5 21 53876 0.1257 0.3495 0.22671 2006 5 22 53877 0.1259 0.3487 0.22570 2006 5 23 53878 0.1262 0.3479 0.22462 2006 5 24 53879 0.1264 0.3471 0.22363 2006 5 25 53880 0.1266 0.3463 0.22284 2006 5 26 53881 0.1268 0.3455 0.22237 2006 5 27 53882 0.1270 0.3447 0.22220 2006 5 28 53883 0.1271 0.3439 0.22229 2006 5 29 53884 0.1273 0.3430 0.22254 2006 5 30 53885 0.1275 0.3422 0.22284 2006 5 31 53886 0.1276 0.3413 0.22309 2006 6 1 53887 0.1278 0.3404 0.22322 2006 6 2 53888 0.1279 0.3396 0.22323 2006 6 3 53889 0.1280 0.3387 0.22309 2006 6 4 53890 0.1281 0.3378 0.22283 2006 6 5 53891 0.1282 0.3368 0.22249 2006 6 6 53892 0.1283 0.3359 0.22214 2006 6 7 53893 0.1283 0.3350 0.22184 2006 6 8 53894 0.1284 0.3340 0.22165 2006 6 9 53895 0.1284 0.3331 0.22162 2006 6 10 53896 0.1285 0.3321 0.22180 2006 6 11 53897 0.1285 0.3312 0.22217 2006 6 12 53898 0.1285 0.3302 0.22270 2006 6 13 53899 0.1285 0.3292 0.22328 2006 6 14 53900 0.1285 0.3282 0.22379 2006 6 15 53901 0.1285 0.3272 0.22411 2006 6 16 53902 0.1285 0.3262 0.22418 2006 6 17 53903 0.1284 0.3252 0.22398 2006 6 18 53904 0.1284 0.3241 0.22358 2006 6 19 53905 0.1283 0.3231 0.22311 2006 6 20 53906 0.1282 0.3221 0.22270 2006 6 21 53907 0.1281 0.3210 0.22249 2006 6 22 53908 0.1280 0.3199 0.22255 2006 6 23 53909 0.1279 0.3189 0.22291 2006 6 24 53910 0.1278 0.3178 0.22354 2006 6 25 53911 0.1276 0.3167 0.22434 2006 6 26 53912 0.1275 0.3156 0.22521 2006 6 27 53913 0.1273 0.3146 0.22605 2006 6 28 53914 0.1271 0.3135 0.22678 2006 6 29 53915 0.1269 0.3124 0.22737 2006 6 30 53916 0.1267 0.3112 0.22780 2006 7 1 53917 0.1265 0.3101 0.22809 2006 7 2 53918 0.1262 0.3090 0.22829 2006 7 3 53919 0.1260 0.3079 0.22845 2006 7 4 53920 0.1257 0.3068 0.22863 2006 7 5 53921 0.1254 0.3056 0.22890 2006 7 6 53922 0.1251 0.3045 0.22932 2006 7 7 53923 0.1248 0.3034 0.22991 2006 7 8 53924 0.1245 0.3022 0.23069 2006 7 9 53925 0.1241 0.3011 0.23163 2006 7 10 53926 0.1238 0.3000 0.23264 2006 7 11 53927 0.1234 0.2988 0.23361 2006 7 12 53928 0.1230 0.2977 0.23440 2006 7 13 53929 0.1226 0.2965 0.23491 2006 7 14 53930 0.1222 0.2954 0.23505 2006 7 15 53931 0.1217 0.2942 0.23495 2006 7 16 53932 0.1213 0.2931 0.23472 2006 7 17 53933 0.1208 0.2919 0.23453 2006 7 18 53934 0.1203 0.2908 0.23451 2006 7 19 53935 0.1198 0.2896 0.23476 2006 7 20 53936 0.1193 0.2885 0.23530 2006 7 21 53937 0.1187 0.2873 0.23610 2006 7 22 53938 0.1181 0.2862 0.23708 2006 7 23 53939 0.1176 0.2850 0.23813 2006 7 24 53940 0.1170 0.2839 0.23916 2006 7 25 53941 0.1163 0.2828 0.24008 2006 7 26 53942 0.1157 0.2816 0.24084 2006 7 27 53943 0.1150 0.2805 0.24142 2006 7 28 53944 0.1143 0.2794 0.24183 2006 7 29 53945 0.1136 0.2783 0.24212 2006 7 30 53946 0.1129 0.2771 0.24234 2006 7 31 53947 0.1122 0.2760 0.24255 2006 8 1 53948 0.1114 0.2749 0.24282 2006 8 2 53949 0.1106 0.2738 0.24320 2006 8 3 53950 0.1098 0.2728 0.24373 2006 8 4 53951 0.1090 0.2717 0.24442 2006 8 5 53952 0.1082 0.2706 0.24526 2006 8 6 53953 0.1073 0.2695 0.24619 2006 8 7 53954 0.1064 0.2685 0.24711 2006 8 8 53955 0.1055 0.2674 0.24789 2006 8 9 53956 0.1046 0.2664 0.24838 2006 8 10 53957 0.1036 0.2654 0.24853 2006 8 11 53958 0.1026 0.2644 0.24835 2006 8 12 53959 0.1016 0.2634 0.24796 2006 8 13 53960 0.1006 0.2624 0.24753 2006 8 14 53961 0.0995 0.2614 0.24724 2006 8 15 53962 0.0985 0.2604 0.24721 2006 8 16 53963 0.0974 0.2595 0.24749 2006 8 17 53964 0.0963 0.2586 0.24804 2006 8 18 53965 0.0951 0.2576 0.24880 2006 8 19 53966 0.0940 0.2567 0.24963 2006 8 20 53967 0.0928 0.2558 0.25045 2006 8 21 53968 0.0916 0.2550 0.25116 2006 8 22 53969 0.0903 0.2541 0.25170 2006 8 23 53970 0.0891 0.2533 0.25206 2006 8 24 53971 0.0878 0.2524 0.25222 2006 8 25 53972 0.0865 0.2516 0.25224 2006 8 26 53973 0.0852 0.2508 0.25216 2006 8 27 53974 0.0838 0.2500 0.25204 2006 8 28 53975 0.0824 0.2493 0.25195 2006 8 29 53976 0.0810 0.2486 0.25196 2006 8 30 53977 0.0796 0.2478 0.25210 2006 8 31 53978 0.0782 0.2472 0.25239 2006 9 1 53979 0.0767 0.2465 0.25283 2006 9 2 53980 0.0752 0.2458 0.25336 2006 9 3 53981 0.0737 0.2452 0.25392 2006 9 4 53982 0.0721 0.2446 0.25438 2006 9 5 53983 0.0706 0.2440 0.25461 2006 9 6 53984 0.0690 0.2434 0.25450 2006 9 7 53985 0.0674 0.2429 0.25402 2006 9 8 53986 0.0657 0.2424 0.25324 2006 9 9 53987 0.0641 0.2419 0.25231 2006 9 10 53988 0.0624 0.2414 0.25142 2006 9 11 53989 0.0607 0.2410 0.25077 2006 9 12 53990 0.0590 0.2406 0.25044 2006 9 13 53991 0.0572 0.2402 0.25043 2006 9 14 53992 0.0555 0.2398 0.25067 2006 9 15 53993 0.0537 0.2395 0.25104 2006 9 16 53994 0.0519 0.2392 0.25142 2006 9 17 53995 0.0500 0.2389 0.25171 2006 9 18 53996 0.0482 0.2387 0.25185 2006 9 19 53997 0.0463 0.2384 0.25182 2006 9 20 53998 0.0444 0.2382 0.25159 2006 9 21 53999 0.0425 0.2381 0.25122 2006 9 22 54000 0.0406 0.2379 0.25073 2006 9 23 54001 0.0386 0.2378 0.25020 2006 9 24 54002 0.0367 0.2378 0.24970 2006 9 25 54003 0.0347 0.2377 0.24929 2006 9 26 54004 0.0327 0.2377 0.24903 2006 9 27 54005 0.0307 0.2377 0.24894 2006 9 28 54006 0.0286 0.2378 0.24901 2006 9 29 54007 0.0266 0.2379 0.24922 2006 9 30 54008 0.0245 0.2380 0.24951 2006 10 1 54009 0.0224 0.2381 0.24977 2006 10 2 54010 0.0203 0.2383 0.24987 2006 10 3 54011 0.0182 0.2385 0.24972 2006 10 4 54012 0.0161 0.2387 0.24922 2006 10 5 54013 0.0139 0.2390 0.24838 2006 10 6 54014 0.0118 0.2393 0.24731 2006 10 7 54015 0.0097 0.2396 0.24618 2006 10 8 54016 0.0076 0.2400 0.24519 2006 10 9 54017 0.0054 0.2404 0.24448 2006 10 10 54018 0.0033 0.2408 0.24411 2006 10 11 54019 0.0011 0.2413 0.24404 2006 10 12 54020 -0.0010 0.2418 0.24415 2006 10 13 54021 -0.0032 0.2423 0.24431 2006 10 14 54022 -0.0054 0.2429 0.24439 2006 10 15 54023 -0.0075 0.2435 0.24432 2006 10 16 54024 -0.0097 0.2441 0.24403 2006 10 17 54025 -0.0119 0.2448 0.24354 2006 10 18 54026 -0.0141 0.2455 0.24284 2006 10 19 54027 -0.0163 0.2462 0.24199 2006 10 20 54028 -0.0185 0.2470 0.24104 2006 10 21 54029 -0.0207 0.2478 0.24008 2006 10 22 54030 -0.0229 0.2486 0.23918 2006 10 23 54031 -0.0251 0.2495 0.23842 2006 10 24 54032 -0.0273 0.2504 0.23784 2006 10 25 54033 -0.0295 0.2513 0.23744 2006 10 26 54034 -0.0317 0.2523 0.23719 2006 10 27 54035 -0.0339 0.2533 0.23702 2006 10 28 54036 -0.0361 0.2544 0.23683 2006 10 29 54037 -0.0383 0.2555 0.23654 2006 10 30 54038 -0.0405 0.2566 0.23605 2006 10 31 54039 -0.0426 0.2577 0.23533 2006 11 1 54040 -0.0448 0.2589 0.23436 2006 11 2 54041 -0.0470 0.2601 0.23317 2006 11 3 54042 -0.0491 0.2614 0.23188 2006 11 4 54043 -0.0512 0.2627 0.23069 2006 11 5 54044 -0.0534 0.2640 0.22980 2006 11 6 54045 -0.0555 0.2654 0.22930 2006 11 7 54046 -0.0576 0.2668 0.22914 2006 11 8 54047 -0.0597 0.2682 0.22920 2006 11 9 54048 -0.0617 0.2696 0.22932 2006 11 10 54049 -0.0638 0.2711 0.22935 2006 11 11 54050 -0.0658 0.2726 0.22923 2006 11 12 54051 -0.0679 0.2742 0.22886 2006 11 13 54052 -0.0699 0.2758 0.22832 2006 11 14 54053 -0.0718 0.2774 0.22763 2006 11 15 54054 -0.0738 0.2790 0.22679 2006 11 16 54055 -0.0757 0.2807 0.22581 2006 11 17 54056 -0.0777 0.2824 0.22485 2006 11 18 54057 -0.0796 0.2842 0.22399 2006 11 19 54058 -0.0814 0.2859 0.22326 2006 11 20 54059 -0.0833 0.2877 0.22266 2006 11 21 54060 -0.0851 0.2896 0.22213 2006 11 22 54061 -0.0869 0.2914 0.22179 2006 11 23 54062 -0.0887 0.2933 0.22156 2006 11 24 54063 -0.0904 0.2952 0.22126 2006 11 25 54064 -0.0921 0.2972 0.22086 2006 11 26 54065 -0.0938 0.2991 0.22024 2006 11 27 54066 -0.0955 0.3011 0.21933 2006 11 28 54067 -0.0971 0.3031 0.21813 2006 11 29 54068 -0.0987 0.3052 0.21673 2006 11 30 54069 -0.1002 0.3072 0.21523 2006 12 1 54070 -0.1017 0.3093 0.21379 2006 12 2 54071 -0.1032 0.3115 0.21254 2006 12 3 54072 -0.1047 0.3136 0.21159 2006 12 4 54073 -0.1061 0.3158 0.21091 2006 12 5 54074 -0.1075 0.3179 0.21044 2006 12 6 54075 -0.1088 0.3202 0.21012 2006 12 7 54076 -0.1101 0.3224 0.20984 2006 12 8 54077 -0.1114 0.3246 0.20951 2006 12 9 54078 -0.1126 0.3269 0.20902 2006 12 10 54079 -0.1138 0.3292 0.20839 2006 12 11 54080 -0.1149 0.3315 0.20763 2006 12 12 54081 -0.1160 0.3339 0.20679 2006 12 13 54082 -0.1171 0.3362 0.20592 2006 12 14 54083 -0.1181 0.3386 0.20510 2006 12 15 54084 -0.1191 0.3409 0.20441 2006 12 16 54085 -0.1200 0.3433 0.20391 2006 12 17 54086 -0.1209 0.3458 0.20364 2006 12 18 54087 -0.1217 0.3482 0.20351 2006 12 19 54088 -0.1225 0.3506 0.20354 2006 12 20 54089 -0.1232 0.3531 0.20373 2006 12 21 54090 -0.1239 0.3556 0.20396 2006 12 22 54091 -0.1246 0.3581 0.20410 2006 12 23 54092 -0.1252 0.3606 0.20409 2006 12 24 54093 -0.1257 0.3631 0.20381 2006 12 25 54094 -0.1262 0.3656 0.20323 2006 12 26 54095 -0.1267 0.3681 0.20240 2006 12 27 54096 -0.1271 0.3706 0.20142 2006 12 28 54097 -0.1274 0.3732 0.20046 2006 12 29 54098 -0.1277 0.3757 0.19967 2006 12 30 54099 -0.1280 0.3783 0.19909 2006 12 31 54100 -0.1282 0.3809 0.19880 2007 1 1 54101 -0.1283 0.3834 0.19882 2007 1 2 54102 -0.1284 0.3860 0.19908 2007 1 3 54103 -0.1285 0.3886 0.19945 2007 1 4 54104 -0.1285 0.3912 0.19980 2007 1 5 54105 -0.1284 0.3938 0.19997 2007 1 6 54106 -0.1283 0.3964 0.19991 2007 1 7 54107 -0.1281 0.3989 0.19966 2007 1 8 54108 -0.1279 0.4015 0.19925 2007 1 9 54109 -0.1277 0.4041 0.19876 2007 1 10 54110 -0.1273 0.4067 0.19820 2007 1 11 54111 -0.1270 0.4093 0.19761 2007 1 12 54112 -0.1266 0.4119 0.19705 2007 1 13 54113 -0.1261 0.4145 0.19663 2007 1 14 54114 -0.1255 0.4171 0.19638 2007 1 15 54115 -0.1250 0.4196 0.19631 2007 1 16 54116 -0.1243 0.4222 0.19641 2007 1 17 54117 -0.1236 0.4248 0.19656 2007 1 18 54118 -0.1229 0.4274 0.19669 2007 1 19 54119 -0.1221 0.4299 0.19665 2007 1 20 54120 -0.1213 0.4325 0.19635 2007 1 21 54121 -0.1204 0.4350 0.19575 2007 1 22 54122 -0.1194 0.4375 0.19494 2007 1 23 54123 -0.1184 0.4400 0.19398 2007 1 24 54124 -0.1174 0.4425 0.19299 2007 1 25 54125 -0.1163 0.4450 0.19212 2007 1 26 54126 -0.1151 0.4475 0.19145 2007 1 27 54127 -0.1139 0.4500 0.19102 2007 1 28 54128 -0.1127 0.4525 0.19091 2007 1 29 54129 -0.1114 0.4549 0.19101 2007 1 30 54130 -0.1100 0.4573 0.19116 2007 1 31 54131 -0.1086 0.4598 0.19129 2007 2 1 54132 -0.1072 0.4622 0.19131 2007 2 2 54133 -0.1057 0.4645 0.19118 2007 2 3 54134 -0.1041 0.4669 0.19090 2007 2 4 54135 -0.1025 0.4692 0.19042 2007 2 5 54136 -0.1009 0.4716 0.18979 2007 2 6 54137 -0.0992 0.4739 0.18915 2007 2 7 54138 -0.0975 0.4762 0.18858 2007 2 8 54139 -0.0957 0.4784 0.18812 2007 2 9 54140 -0.0939 0.4807 0.18781 2007 2 10 54141 -0.0920 0.4829 0.18766 2007 2 11 54142 -0.0901 0.4851 0.18769 2007 2 12 54143 -0.0881 0.4873 0.18783 2007 2 13 54144 -0.0861 0.4894 0.18797 2007 2 14 54145 -0.0841 0.4916 0.18802 2007 2 15 54146 -0.0820 0.4937 0.18789 2007 2 16 54147 -0.0799 0.4958 0.18750 2007 2 17 54148 -0.0777 0.4978 0.18680 2007 2 18 54149 -0.0755 0.4998 0.18570 2007 2 19 54150 -0.0732 0.5018 0.18434 2007 2 20 54151 -0.0710 0.5038 0.18284 2007 2 21 54152 -0.0686 0.5058 0.18133 2007 2 22 54153 -0.0663 0.5077 0.18004 2007 2 23 54154 -0.0639 0.5096 0.17907 2007 2 24 54155 -0.0614 0.5114 0.17843 2007 2 25 54156 -0.0590 0.5132 0.17798 2007 2 26 54157 -0.0565 0.5150 0.17767 2007 2 27 54158 -0.0539 0.5168 0.17736 2007 2 28 54159 -0.0514 0.5185 0.17697 2007 3 1 54160 -0.0488 0.5202 0.17643 2007 3 2 54161 -0.0461 0.5219 0.17573 2007 3 3 54162 -0.0435 0.5235 0.17491 2007 3 4 54163 -0.0408 0.5251 0.17397 2007 3 5 54164 -0.0381 0.5267 0.17293 2007 3 6 54165 -0.0353 0.5282 0.17188 2007 3 7 54166 -0.0325 0.5297 0.17089 2007 3 8 54167 -0.0297 0.5311 0.17003 2007 3 9 54168 -0.0269 0.5325 0.16931 2007 3 10 54169 -0.0240 0.5339 0.16874 2007 3 11 54170 -0.0211 0.5353 0.16835 2007 3 12 54171 -0.0182 0.5366 0.16801 2007 3 13 54172 -0.0153 0.5378 0.16766 2007 3 14 54173 -0.0124 0.5390 0.16723 2007 3 15 54174 -0.0094 0.5402 0.16666 2007 3 16 54175 -0.0064 0.5414 0.16585 2007 3 17 54176 -0.0034 0.5425 0.16476 2007 3 18 54177 -0.0003 0.5435 0.16335 2007 3 19 54178 0.0027 0.5446 0.16174 2007 3 20 54179 0.0058 0.5456 0.16010 2007 3 21 54180 0.0089 0.5465 0.15861 2007 3 22 54181 0.0120 0.5474 0.15744 2007 3 23 54182 0.0151 0.5483 0.15664 2007 3 24 54183 0.0182 0.5491 0.15620 2007 3 25 54184 0.0213 0.5498 0.15602 2007 3 26 54185 0.0245 0.5506 0.15597 2007 3 27 54186 0.0277 0.5513 0.15598 2007 3 28 54187 0.0308 0.5519 0.15588 2007 3 29 54188 0.0340 0.5525 0.15563 2007 3 30 54189 0.0372 0.5530 0.15513 These predictions are based on all announced leap seconds. CELESTIAL POLE OFFSET SERIES: NEOS Celestial Pole Offset Series MJD dpsi error deps error (msec. of arc) 53805 -55.04 .29 -4.71 .34 53806 -54.83 .27 -4.57 .34 53807 -54.74 .27 -4.26 .34 53808 -54.70 .16 -3.91 .34 53809 -54.66 .21 -3.76 .11 53810 -54.66 .21 -3.88 .11 53811 -54.72 .21 -4.14 .11 53812 -54.80 .22 -4.41 .13 53813 -54.81 .21 -4.66 .17 53814 -54.71 .21 -4.92 .17 53815 -54.48 .20 -5.15 .26 IAU2000A Celestial Pole Offset Series MJD dX error dY error (msec. of arc) 53805 0.143 0.115 -0.441 0.340 53806 0.149 0.107 -0.426 0.340 53807 0.148 0.107 -0.396 0.340 53808 0.140 0.064 -0.371 0.340 53809 0.122 0.084 -0.377 0.110 53810 0.094 0.084 -0.399 0.110 53811 0.070 0.084 -0.411 0.110 53812 0.058 0.088 -0.426 0.130 53813 0.067 0.084 -0.441 0.170 53814 0.090 0.084 -0.450 0.170 53815 0.124 0.080 -0.450 0.260 The IERS Conventions recommended software to predict celestial pole offsets is available at ftp://maia.usno.navy.mil/conventions/chapter5/ ceppred.f and software for the calculation of the dX and dY with respect to IAU2000A Nutation/Precession Theory can be found at the web site in section chapter 5. ************************************************************************** Important Notices - Important Notices - Important Notices ************************************************************************** A positive leap second was introduced in UTC on 31 December 2005. The sequence of dates of the UTC second markers will be: 2005 December 31, 23h 59m 59s 2005 December 31, 23h 59m 60s 2006 January 1, 0h 0m 0s The difference between UTC and the International Atomic Time (TAI) is: from 1999 January 1, 0h UTC, to 2006 January 1 0h UTC : UTC-TAI = - 32s from 2006 January 1, 0h UTC, until further notice : UTC-TAI = - 33s ************************************************************************** Important Notice - IAU 2000 Resolution Compliancy Information ************************************************************************** Resolutions passed at the 24th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) recommend the implementation of a number of new procedures concerning the transformation between the celestial and terrestrial reference systems. Information regarding these procedures is available in Chapter 5 of the IERS Conventions 2003 available at . With these resolutions, beginning on 1 January 2003, IERS Bulletins A and B will publish new products in addition to those already published. These products will include the celestial pole offsets X_obs-X_IAU2000A and Y_obs-Y_IAU2000A where X_obs and Y_obs are the observed X, Y coordinates of the Celestial Intermediate Pole in the Geocentric Celestial Reference System, and X_IAU2000A and Y_IAU2000A are the celestial pole coordinates provided by using the IAU2000A Precession-Nutation theory. It is expected that Celestial Pole offsets related to the IAU1980 Nutation Theory will continue to be published through 15 January 2006. The new celestial pole offsets related to the new IAU2000A Precession-Nutation theory will be produced in a separate data file as well as appended to to this file. ************************************************************************** Important Notice - IAU 2000 Resolution Compliancy Information **************************************************************************