BULLETIN B 328 1 June 2015 Contents are described in ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulb_new/bulletinb.pdf 1 - DAILY FINAL VALUES OF x, y, UT1-UTC, dX, dY Angular unit is milliarcsecond (mas), time unit is millisecond (ms). Upgraded solution from February 1 2011 - consistent with ITRF 2008. DATE MJD x y UT1-UTC dX dY x err y err UT1 err X err Y err (0 h UTC) mas mas ms mas mas mas mas ms mas mas Final values Mean formal error 0.034 0.032 0.0066 0.056 0.057 2015 4 2 57114 15.711 397.891 -576.4211 0.130 0.135 0.034 0.031 0.0065 0.027 0.038 2015 4 3 57115 17.423 399.723 -577.7290 0.157 0.130 0.034 0.031 0.0063 0.027 0.039 2015 4 4 57116 18.500 401.621 -578.9797 0.183 0.127 0.034 0.031 0.0044 0.027 0.041 2015 4 5 57117 19.105 403.402 -580.1864 0.205 0.130 0.034 0.031 0.0043 0.027 0.042 2015 4 6 57118 19.610 404.809 -581.4080 0.212 0.123 0.034 0.032 0.0037 0.026 0.043 2015 4 7 57119 20.231 406.019 -582.6400 0.227 0.134 0.034 0.031 0.0023 0.026 0.044 2015 4 8 57120 20.889 406.981 -583.8834 0.236 0.139 0.034 0.031 0.0009 0.026 0.045 2015 4 9 57121 21.396 407.902 -585.1289 0.257 0.158 0.034 0.031 0.0067 0.027 0.046 2015 4 10 57122 21.484 409.253 -586.3971 0.273 0.172 0.033 0.031 0.0058 0.028 0.047 2015 4 11 57123 21.214 410.614 -587.7583 0.279 0.178 0.033 0.032 0.0067 0.029 0.047 2015 4 12 57124 21.077 411.629 -589.2570 0.277 0.173 0.034 0.032 0.0042 0.030 0.048 2015 4 13 57125 21.231 412.384 -590.8875 0.271 0.149 0.035 0.032 0.0045 0.030 0.048 2015 4 14 57126 21.504 413.173 -592.6606 0.252 0.133 0.035 0.032 0.0018 0.031 0.049 2015 4 15 57127 21.984 414.235 -594.5717 0.222 0.145 0.034 0.032 0.0114 0.037 0.053 2015 4 16 57128 23.260 415.286 -596.5752 0.203 0.157 0.034 0.032 0.0091 0.039 0.048 2015 4 17 57129 24.249 416.897 -598.5544 0.191 0.173 0.034 0.032 0.0070 0.041 0.043 2015 4 18 57130 25.259 417.826 -600.4260 0.186 0.194 0.034 0.032 0.0054 0.042 0.037 2015 4 19 57131 26.213 418.938 -602.1824 0.191 0.220 0.035 0.032 0.0043 0.044 0.032 2015 4 20 57132 27.135 419.679 -603.7251 0.237 0.286 0.036 0.033 0.0043 0.046 0.026 2015 4 21 57133 28.059 420.887 -605.0515 0.195 0.264 0.036 0.033 0.0017 0.023 0.027 2015 4 22 57134 28.918 421.705 -606.1778 0.006 0.000 0.035 0.033 0.0086 0.088 0.080 2015 4 23 57135 30.121 422.523 -607.1990 0.006 0.000 0.035 0.033 0.0115 0.106 0.093 2015 4 24 57136 31.183 423.842 -608.2036 0.006 0.001 0.035 0.033 0.0064 0.106 0.093 2015 4 25 57137 32.120 425.072 -609.2599 0.006 0.000 0.035 0.033 0.0075 0.106 0.093 2015 4 26 57138 33.575 426.234 -610.4274 0.006 0.000 0.035 0.033 0.0045 0.106 0.093 2015 4 27 57139 35.312 427.742 -611.6700 0.385 0.316 0.037 0.032 0.0052 0.118 0.081 2015 4 28 57140 36.872 429.298 -612.9818 0.434 0.344 0.037 0.032 0.0068 0.134 0.090 2015 4 29 57141 38.125 430.533 -614.3624 0.006 0.001 0.036 0.032 0.0175 0.090 0.084 2015 4 30 57142 38.966 431.518 -615.7623 0.006 0.000 0.036 0.033 0.0124 0.107 0.094 2015 5 1 57143 39.781 432.326 -617.1588 0.006 0.000 0.036 0.033 0.0152 0.107 0.094 Preliminary extension 2015 5 2 57144 40.069 433.221 -618.5129 0.006 0.000 0.035 0.033 0.0055 0.107 0.094 2015 5 3 57145 40.267 434.162 -619.7760 0.006 0.001 0.036 0.033 0.0046 0.107 0.094 2015 5 4 57146 40.784 435.528 -620.9585 0.006 0.001 0.036 0.033 0.0059 0.107 0.094 2015 5 5 57147 41.587 436.926 -622.0546 0.007 0.000 0.035 0.032 0.0077 0.107 0.094 2015 5 6 57148 42.275 438.301 -623.0705 0.007 0.001 0.035 0.032 0.0075 0.107 0.094 2015 5 7 57149 43.507 439.585 -624.1100 0.007 0.000 0.036 0.032 0.0085 0.107 0.094 2015 5 8 57150 45.120 440.863 -625.1744 0.007 0.000 0.036 0.032 0.0074 0.107 0.094 2015 5 9 57151 47.086 442.199 -626.2781 0.007 0.000 0.036 0.031 0.0095 0.107 0.094 2015 5 10 57152 49.063 443.566 -627.5189 0.006 0.001 0.134 0.096 0.0068 0.107 0.094 2015 5 11 57153 50.654 444.526 -628.9371 0.007 0.000 0.188 0.161 0.0058 0.107 0.094 2015 5 12 57154 52.231 445.088 -630.5652 0.007 0.001 0.171 0.211 0.0062 0.107 0.094 2015 5 13 57155 53.830 445.612 -632.3659 0.006 0.000 0.194 0.192 0.0100 0.107 0.094 2015 5 14 57156 55.528 446.052 -634.2239 0.006 0.001 0.172 0.160 0.0131 0.107 0.094 2015 5 15 57157 57.298 446.767 -636.1306 0.007 0.000 0.134 0.183 0.0121 0.107 0.094 2015 5 16 57158 59.140 447.090 -638.0000 0.006 0.000 0.161 0.179 0.0065 0.107 0.094 2015 5 17 57159 61.431 447.304 -639.7523 0.006 0.000 0.166 0.172 0.0103 0.107 0.094 2015 5 18 57160 63.791 448.129 -641.3238 0.007 0.000 0.094 0.130 0.0097 0.107 0.094 2015 5 19 57161 65.813 448.868 -642.7374 0.007 0.000 0.113 0.098 0.0087 0.107 0.094 2015 5 20 57162 67.932 449.192 -644.0759 0.007 0.000 0.144 0.089 0.0065 0.107 0.094 2015 5 21 57163 69.993 449.430 -645.2845 0.007 0.000 0.079 0.089 0.0059 0.107 0.094 2015 5 22 57164 71.843 449.538 -646.4019 0.007 0.001 0.073 0.149 0.0045 0.107 0.094 2015 5 23 57165 73.898 449.877 -647.4959 0.007 0.000 0.139 0.213 0.0076 0.107 0.094 2015 5 24 57166 75.756 450.659 -648.5486 0.007 0.000 0.139 0.165 0.0066 0.107 0.094 2015 5 25 57167 77.478 451.254 -649.5725 0.007 0.001 0.135 0.080 0.0097 0.107 0.094 2015 5 26 57168 79.255 452.011 -650.6093 0.007 0.000 0.158 0.101 0.0135 0.107 0.094 2015 5 27 57169 81.040 452.624 -651.6002 0.007 0.000 0.207 0.128 0.0124 0.107 0.094 2015 5 28 57170 83.120 453.196 -652.4611 0.007 0.001 0.538 0.269 0.0327 0.107 0.094 2015 5 29 57171 85.374 453.492 -653.4383 0.007 0.001 999.000 999.000 999.0000 999.000 999.000 2015 5 30 57172 87.689 453.805 -654.3615 0.007 0.000 999.000 999.000 999.0000 999.000 999.000 2015 5 31 57173 89.954 454.038 -655.2416 0.007 0.001 999.000 999.000 999.0000 999.000 999.000 2015 6 1 57174 91.963 454.196 -656.0631 0.007 0.000 999.000 999.000 999.0000 999.000 999.000 2 - DAILY FINAL VALUES OF CELESTIAL POLE OFFSETS dPsi1980 & dEps1980 dPsi1980 dEps1980 ....dPsi,dEps / IAU 1980 precession-nutation model Description : ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulb_new/bulletinb.pdf The Reference Systems are described in the 2006 IERS Annual Report. DATE MJD dPsi1980 dEps1980 sig dPsi sig dEps (0 h UTC) mas mas mas mas 2015 4 2 57114 -85.684 -12.917 0.068 0.038 2015 4 3 57115 -85.633 -12.847 0.068 0.039 2015 4 4 57116 -85.628 -12.907 0.068 0.041 2015 4 5 57117 -85.637 -13.056 0.067 0.042 2015 4 6 57118 -85.710 -13.210 0.066 0.043 2015 4 7 57119 -85.795 -13.298 0.065 0.044 2015 4 8 57120 -85.915 -13.381 0.066 0.045 2015 4 9 57121 -86.001 -13.470 0.068 0.046 2015 4 10 57122 -85.994 -13.541 0.070 0.047 2015 4 11 57123 -85.784 -13.534 0.072 0.047 2015 4 12 57124 -85.388 -13.460 0.075 0.048 2015 4 13 57125 -85.004 -13.402 0.076 0.048 2015 4 14 57126 -84.871 -13.357 0.078 0.049 2015 4 15 57127 -84.992 -13.249 0.094 0.053 2015 4 16 57128 -85.182 -13.093 0.098 0.048 2015 4 17 57129 -85.352 -13.006 0.102 0.043 2015 4 18 57130 -85.507 -13.100 0.106 0.037 2015 4 19 57131 -85.703 -13.293 0.110 0.032 2015 4 20 57132 -85.834 -13.346 0.115 0.026 2015 4 21 57133 -86.052 -13.320 0.057 0.027 2015 4 22 57134 -86.333 -13.514 0.221 0.080 2015 4 23 57135 -85.948 -13.584 0.266 0.093 2015 4 24 57136 -85.730 -13.800 0.266 0.093 2015 4 25 57137 -85.881 -14.039 0.266 0.093 2015 4 26 57138 -86.179 -14.191 0.266 0.093 2015 4 27 57139 -85.310 -13.909 0.296 0.081 2015 4 28 57140 -84.986 -13.821 0.338 0.090 2015 4 29 57141 -85.840 -14.040 0.227 0.084 2015 4 30 57142 -85.837 -13.890 0.268 0.094 2015 5 1 57143 -86.017 -13.769 0.268 0.094 3 - EARTH ANGULAR VELOCITY : DAILY FINAL VALUES OF LOD, OMEGA AT 0hUTC LOD : Excess of the Length of day - 86400 s TAI OMEGA : Earth angular velocity Description: ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulb_new/bulletinb.pdf DATE MJD LOD sigma OMEGA sigma (0 h UTC) ms ms mas/ms mas/ms 2015 4 2 57114 1.3457 0.0098 15.04106694440 0.00000000171 2015 4 3 57115 1.2899 0.0102 15.04106695412 0.00000000178 2015 4 4 57116 1.2246 0.0103 15.04106696548 0.00000000179 2015 4 5 57117 1.1810 0.0106 15.04106697307 0.00000000185 2015 4 6 57118 1.1921 0.0110 15.04106697114 0.00000000191 2015 4 7 57119 1.2465 0.0105 15.04106696167 0.00000000183 2015 4 8 57120 1.2423 0.0102 15.04106696240 0.00000000178 2015 4 9 57121 1.2289 0.0103 15.04106696474 0.00000000179 2015 4 10 57122 1.2950 0.0105 15.04106695323 0.00000000183 2015 4 11 57123 1.4062 0.0105 15.04106693387 0.00000000183 2015 4 12 57124 1.5606 0.0110 15.04106690699 0.00000000191 2015 4 13 57125 1.7050 0.0110 15.04106688185 0.00000000191 2015 4 14 57126 1.8333 0.0103 15.04106685952 0.00000000179 2015 4 15 57127 1.9307 0.0104 15.04106684256 0.00000000181 2015 4 16 57128 2.0228 0.0103 15.04106682653 0.00000000179 2015 4 17 57129 1.9287 0.0099 15.04106684291 0.00000000172 2015 4 18 57130 1.8026 0.0100 15.04106686486 0.00000000174 2015 4 19 57131 1.6319 0.0108 15.04106689458 0.00000000188 2015 4 20 57132 1.4166 0.0107 15.04106693206 0.00000000186 2015 4 21 57133 1.2023 0.0110 15.04106696937 0.00000000191 2015 4 22 57134 1.0442 0.0106 15.04106699689 0.00000000185 2015 4 23 57135 1.0048 0.0094 15.04106700375 0.00000000164 2015 4 24 57136 1.0152 0.0091 15.04106700194 0.00000000158 2015 4 25 57137 1.1087 0.0090 15.04106698566 0.00000000157 2015 4 26 57138 1.2081 0.0092 15.04106696836 0.00000000160 2015 4 27 57139 1.2850 0.0097 15.04106695497 0.00000000169 2015 4 28 57140 1.3182 0.0102 15.04106694919 0.00000000178 2015 4 29 57141 1.3818 0.0103 15.04106693812 0.00000000179 2015 4 30 57142 1.4090 0.0104 15.04106693338 0.00000000181 2015 5 1 57143 1.3830 0.0102 15.04106693791 0.00000000178 4 - INFORMATION ON TIME SCALES TAI - UTC = 35 s. during period [57114-57143] No leap second introduced during period [57114-57143] All information concerning time scales : - leap seconds announcements : Bulletin C - DUT1 announcements (UT1-UTC with 0.1 s accuracy) : Bulletin D can be found at : - web site : http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc/ - anonymous ftp : hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/ or 5 - SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTED EARTH ORIENTATION PARAMETERS SERIES This section gives the average precision of the individual series, some of them contributing to the combination (*) and their average agreement with it. The period covered is that one of Bulletin B. Units : micro-arc-seconds for x/y/dX/dY micro-seconds for UT1/LOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOP series first line : Mean formal uncertainty Periods covered second line : Weighted RMS agreement with Bulletin B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- x y UT1 LOD dX dY Data Number VLBI Standards AUS aus00007.eops 76 68 4 - 60 63 7 57114.27 to 57140.21 340 378 13 - 125 175 BKG bkg00014.eops 64 69 3 - 37 38 7 57114.27 to 57140.21 123 104 9 - 52 49 GSFC gsf2014a.eops 57 54 2 6 35 36 8 57114.27 to 57140.21 82 52 10 6 72 79 IAA iaa2007a.eops 66 62 3 - 46 46 7 57114.27 to 57140.21 173 98 12 - 57 125 USNO usn2015.eops 41 37 2 - 33 34 7 57114.27 to 57140.21 84 53 9 - 53 65 IVS * ivs07r1e.eops 16 15 1 - 5 17 7 57114.27 to 57140.21 101 26 8 - 45 57 VLBI Intensive BKG * bkgint14.eopi - - 9 - - - 30 57114.80 to 57142.80 - - 10 - - - GSFC * gsf2014a.eopi - - 12 - - - 30 57114.80 to 57142.80 - - 14 - - - IAA * iaa2005a.eopi - - 13 - - - 19 57114.80 to 57142.80 - - 12 - - - PUL pul2010a.eopi - - 12 - - - 22 57114.80 to 57142.80 - - 15 - - - USNO * usn2015.eopi - - 12 - - - 29 57114.80 to 57142.80 - - 13 - - - GPS CODE cod*.erp 5 6 - 0 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 29 29 - 9 - - JPL jpl*.erp 12 12 - 7 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 43 43 - 14 - - GFZ gfz*.erp 5 5 - 1 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 30 38 - 9 - - ESOC esa*.erp 9 9 - 3 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 32 36 - 10 - - NOAA ngs*.erp 2 3 - 0 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 59 56 - 10 - - SIO sio*.erp siu*.erp 31 29 - 10 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 37 38 - 11 - - EMR emr*.erp 29 29 - 9 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 37 42 - 23 - - IAA gps_iaa_*.eop 3 3 - 0 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 35 56 - 12 - - MIT mit*.erp 12 12 - 1 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 33 44 - 11 - - IGR * igs96p02.erp 17 18 - 3 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 32 37 - 10 - - IGS * igs00p03.erp 4 4 - 0 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 25 34 - 9 - - SLR MCC tg*.02 169 208 - 30 - - 20 57114.00 to 57143.00 168 256 - 155 - - IAA slr_iaa_*.eop 46 45 - 2 - - 30 57114.00 to 57143.00 148 153 - 20 - - CGS asi*.eop 69 73 - 16 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 176 196 - 43 - - ILRS * ilrsa.eop 38 39 - 6 - - 29 57114.50 to 57142.50 87 116 - 21 - - BULLETIN A NEOS mark3.out 28 27 6 - - - 30 57114.00 to 57143.00 17 41 11 - - - To unsubscribe : http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc/products/bulletins/bulletin_registration.html