BULLETIN B 324 1 February 2015 Contents are described in ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulb_new/bulletinb.pdf 1 - DAILY FINAL VALUES OF x, y, UT1-UTC, dX, dY Angular unit is milliarcsecond (mas), time unit is millisecond (ms). Upgraded solution from February 1 2011 - consistent with ITRF 2008. DATE MJD x y UT1-UTC dX dY x err y err UT1 err X err Y err (0 h UTC) mas mas ms mas mas mas mas ms mas mas Final values Mean formal error 0.038 0.038 0.0080 0.073 0.084 2014 12 2 56993 78.981 258.716 -424.4887 -0.189 0.140 0.044 0.045 0.0055 0.073 0.038 2014 12 3 56994 76.898 259.439 -425.8803 -0.208 0.163 0.041 0.040 0.0071 0.074 0.035 2014 12 4 56995 74.791 259.882 -427.2193 -0.228 0.181 0.037 0.037 0.0105 0.078 0.036 2014 12 5 56996 73.083 260.106 -428.4417 -0.242 0.190 0.037 0.035 0.0115 0.081 0.037 2014 12 6 56997 72.034 260.884 -429.5356 -0.249 0.191 0.034 0.035 0.0045 0.084 0.038 2014 12 7 56998 70.757 261.940 -430.5244 -0.246 0.182 0.034 0.037 0.0060 0.088 0.039 2014 12 8 56999 69.469 262.554 -431.4891 -0.267 0.035 0.037 0.039 0.0055 0.105 0.138 2014 12 9 57000 67.567 263.597 -432.4693 -0.256 0.006 0.033 0.036 0.0070 0.118 0.154 2014 12 10 57001 65.145 264.300 -433.4848 -0.233 -0.030 0.034 0.036 0.0035 0.125 0.167 2014 12 11 57002 62.825 265.096 -434.5401 -0.198 0.007 0.041 0.039 0.0098 0.133 0.168 2014 12 12 57003 60.561 266.065 -435.7065 -0.160 0.063 0.041 0.039 0.0055 0.142 0.164 2014 12 13 57004 58.293 267.322 -436.9431 -0.128 0.123 0.037 0.040 0.0068 0.151 0.159 2014 12 14 57005 55.679 268.340 -438.1812 -0.103 0.190 0.037 0.040 0.0064 0.160 0.155 2014 12 15 57006 52.986 269.413 -439.3885 -0.122 0.214 0.038 0.037 0.0084 0.093 0.161 2014 12 16 57007 50.226 270.617 -440.6630 -0.100 0.248 0.038 0.033 0.0036 0.084 0.159 2014 12 17 57008 47.395 271.695 -441.9529 -0.120 0.242 0.038 0.036 0.0136 0.037 0.069 2014 12 18 57009 44.864 272.181 -443.2099 -0.154 0.216 0.038 0.039 0.0072 0.035 0.064 2014 12 19 57010 43.407 272.545 -444.3914 -0.188 0.180 0.038 0.039 0.0085 0.034 0.059 2014 12 20 57011 42.148 273.277 -445.4715 -0.216 0.136 0.038 0.039 0.0049 0.033 0.054 2014 12 21 57012 40.840 273.577 -446.4582 -0.236 0.087 0.041 0.039 0.0032 0.031 0.049 2014 12 22 57013 39.590 273.952 -447.3857 -0.226 0.051 0.046 0.040 0.0048 0.054 0.057 2014 12 23 57014 38.666 274.210 -448.3507 -0.239 -0.009 0.043 0.040 0.0021 0.032 0.041 2014 12 24 57015 37.870 274.918 -449.4138 -0.250 -0.031 0.039 0.036 0.0106 0.031 0.044 2014 12 25 57016 37.163 275.526 -450.5837 -0.254 -0.036 0.035 0.033 0.0200 0.036 0.050 2014 12 26 57017 36.199 276.339 -451.8828 -0.250 -0.033 0.034 0.035 0.0179 0.041 0.057 2014 12 27 57018 35.254 276.908 -453.3158 -0.237 -0.023 0.038 0.038 0.0101 0.045 0.064 2014 12 28 57019 34.671 277.735 -454.8478 -0.217 -0.006 0.038 0.036 0.0061 0.051 0.071 2014 12 29 57020 34.235 278.643 -456.3905 -0.194 0.012 0.038 0.037 0.0047 0.054 0.076 2014 12 30 57021 33.509 279.530 -457.7323 -0.163 0.032 0.038 0.041 0.0016 0.056 0.078 2014 12 31 57022 32.209 280.349 -458.8866 -0.179 0.075 0.039 0.047 0.0227 0.054 0.073 2015 1 1 57023 30.755 280.757 -459.9090 -0.221 0.130 0.040 0.048 0.0099 0.054 0.076 Preliminary extension 2015 1 2 57024 29.642 281.240 -460.8087 -0.255 0.175 0.035 0.041 0.0190 0.056 0.079 2015 1 3 57025 28.927 281.584 -461.6065 -0.282 0.208 0.032 0.043 0.0194 0.058 0.082 2015 1 4 57026 28.695 282.072 -462.3302 -0.300 0.228 0.032 0.040 0.0072 0.059 0.085 2015 1 5 57027 28.434 282.754 -463.0100 -0.307 0.235 0.036 0.034 0.0079 0.061 0.088 2015 1 6 57028 27.926 283.529 -463.6692 -0.303 0.230 0.039 0.035 0.0030 0.062 0.091 2015 1 7 57029 27.101 284.473 -464.3120 -0.275 0.203 0.042 0.038 0.0059 0.065 0.087 2015 1 8 57030 25.858 285.479 -465.0827 -0.240 0.169 0.042 0.038 0.0054 0.069 0.082 2015 1 9 57031 24.614 286.011 -466.0031 -0.211 0.138 0.040 0.038 0.0055 0.072 0.077 2015 1 10 57032 23.562 286.678 -467.0476 -0.189 0.114 0.039 0.038 0.0073 0.076 0.072 2015 1 11 57033 22.571 287.806 -468.1888 -0.175 0.096 0.039 0.038 0.0070 0.079 0.067 2015 1 12 57034 21.548 288.803 -469.3077 -0.170 0.085 0.040 0.041 0.0063 0.082 0.062 2015 1 13 57035 20.383 289.822 -470.3978 -0.172 0.080 0.043 0.041 0.0053 0.086 0.057 2015 1 14 57036 18.925 290.883 -471.5293 -0.179 0.080 0.046 0.040 0.0047 0.089 0.052 2015 1 15 57037 17.148 292.163 -472.6766 0.006 0.000 0.046 0.040 0.0064 0.101 0.080 2015 1 16 57038 15.044 293.612 -473.7843 0.006 0.000 0.047 0.041 0.0045 0.105 0.088 2015 1 17 57039 12.970 294.527 -474.8959 0.006 0.001 0.047 0.040 0.0050 0.105 0.088 2015 1 18 57040 10.862 295.272 -475.9681 0.006 0.000 0.079 0.108 0.0053 0.105 0.088 2015 1 19 57041 9.289 296.062 -477.0300 0.007 0.001 0.151 0.188 0.0041 0.105 0.088 2015 1 20 57042 8.157 296.793 -478.1461 0.007 0.001 0.218 0.164 0.0038 0.105 0.088 2015 1 21 57043 7.410 297.580 -479.3870 0.006 0.001 0.198 0.130 0.0045 0.105 0.088 2015 1 22 57044 6.920 298.569 -480.7937 0.006 0.001 0.179 0.088 0.0060 0.105 0.088 2015 1 23 57045 6.215 299.475 -482.3222 0.006 0.001 0.187 0.031 0.0059 0.105 0.088 2015 1 24 57046 5.171 300.220 -483.8742 0.006 0.000 0.135 0.079 0.0058 0.105 0.088 2015 1 25 57047 4.045 301.201 -485.4399 0.006 0.001 0.065 0.109 0.0060 0.105 0.088 2015 1 26 57048 2.963 302.191 -486.8110 0.006 0.001 0.082 0.106 0.0057 0.105 0.088 2015 1 27 57049 2.396 303.105 -488.0008 0.006 0.001 0.148 0.149 0.0053 0.105 0.088 2015 1 28 57050 2.262 304.456 -489.0597 0.006 0.001 0.125 0.196 0.0213 0.105 0.088 2015 1 29 57051 2.254 306.230 -489.9659 0.006 0.001 0.155 0.215 0.0213 0.105 0.088 2015 1 30 57052 2.794 308.347 -490.7855 0.006 0.001 0.446 0.467 0.0213 0.105 0.088 2015 1 31 57053 3.195 310.280 -491.5065 0.006 0.001 999.000 999.000 999.0000 999.000 999.000 2015 2 1 57054 3.395 312.073 -492.2507 0.006 0.001 999.000 999.000 999.0000 999.000 999.000 2 - DAILY FINAL VALUES OF CELESTIAL POLE OFFSETS dPsi1980 & dEps1980 dPsi1980 dEps1980 ....dPsi,dEps / IAU 1980 precession-nutation model Description : ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulb_new/bulletinb.pdf The Reference Systems are described in the 2006 IERS Annual Report. DATE MJD dPsi1980 dEps1980 sig dPsi sig dEps (0 h UTC) mas mas mas mas 2014 12 2 56993 -88.890 -9.780 0.184 0.038 2014 12 3 56994 -89.068 -9.770 0.187 0.035 2014 12 4 56995 -89.250 -9.858 0.196 0.036 2014 12 5 56996 -89.251 -9.949 0.204 0.037 2014 12 6 56997 -89.043 -9.927 0.212 0.038 2014 12 7 56998 -88.768 -9.778 0.220 0.039 2014 12 8 56999 -88.632 -9.747 0.265 0.138 2014 12 9 57000 -88.467 -9.717 0.296 0.154 2014 12 10 57001 -88.210 -9.857 0.314 0.167 2014 12 11 57002 -87.849 -10.002 0.334 0.168 2014 12 12 57003 -87.521 -10.069 0.357 0.164 2014 12 13 57004 -87.339 -10.007 0.380 0.159 2014 12 14 57005 -87.273 -9.862 0.403 0.155 2014 12 15 57006 -87.343 -9.776 0.233 0.161 2014 12 16 57007 -87.357 -9.725 0.212 0.159 2014 12 17 57008 -87.570 -9.685 0.092 0.069 2014 12 18 57009 -87.866 -9.556 0.089 0.064 2014 12 19 57010 -88.079 -9.379 0.086 0.059 2014 12 20 57011 -88.133 -9.333 0.083 0.054 2014 12 21 57012 -88.077 -9.550 0.079 0.049 2014 12 22 57013 -87.941 -9.909 0.136 0.057 2014 12 23 57014 -87.903 -10.160 0.080 0.041 2014 12 24 57015 -87.919 -10.047 0.077 0.044 2014 12 25 57016 -88.000 -9.683 0.090 0.050 2014 12 26 57017 -88.126 -9.339 0.102 0.057 2014 12 27 57018 -88.231 -9.188 0.114 0.064 2014 12 28 57019 -88.254 -9.204 0.127 0.071 2014 12 29 57020 -88.216 -9.287 0.137 0.076 2014 12 30 57021 -88.176 -9.382 0.142 0.078 2014 12 31 57022 -88.336 -9.460 0.135 0.073 2015 1 1 57023 -88.588 -9.513 0.137 0.076 3 - EARTH ANGULAR VELOCITY : DAILY FINAL VALUES OF LOD, OMEGA AT 0hUTC LOD : Excess of the Length of day - 86400 s TAI OMEGA : Earth angular velocity Description: ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulb_new/bulletinb.pdf DATE MJD LOD sigma OMEGA sigma (0 h UTC) ms ms mas/ms mas/ms 2014 12 2 56993 1.4182 0.0088 15.04106693178 0.00000000153 2014 12 3 56994 1.3632 0.0094 15.04106694136 0.00000000164 2014 12 4 56995 1.2881 0.0086 15.04106695443 0.00000000150 2014 12 5 56996 1.1536 0.0081 15.04106697784 0.00000000141 2014 12 6 56997 1.0319 0.0088 15.04106699903 0.00000000153 2014 12 7 56998 0.9414 0.0092 15.04106701479 0.00000000160 2014 12 8 56999 0.9521 0.0092 15.04106701292 0.00000000160 2014 12 9 57000 1.0019 0.0089 15.04106700425 0.00000000155 2014 12 10 57001 1.0511 0.0088 15.04106699569 0.00000000153 2014 12 11 57002 1.1038 0.0088 15.04106698651 0.00000000153 2014 12 12 57003 1.1858 0.0083 15.04106697224 0.00000000144 2014 12 13 57004 1.2466 0.0083 15.04106696165 0.00000000144 2014 12 14 57005 1.2168 0.0089 15.04106696684 0.00000000155 2014 12 15 57006 1.2053 0.0093 15.04106696884 0.00000000162 2014 12 16 57007 1.2952 0.0094 15.04106695319 0.00000000164 2014 12 17 57008 1.2994 0.0093 15.04106695246 0.00000000162 2014 12 18 57009 1.1970 0.0093 15.04106697029 0.00000000162 2014 12 19 57010 1.1268 0.0089 15.04106698251 0.00000000155 2014 12 20 57011 1.0152 0.0084 15.04106700194 0.00000000146 2014 12 21 57012 0.9424 0.0080 15.04106701461 0.00000000139 2014 12 22 57013 0.9284 0.0065 15.04106701705 0.00000000113 2014 12 23 57014 0.9930 0.0072 15.04106700580 0.00000000125 2014 12 24 57015 1.1029 0.0096 15.04106698667 0.00000000167 2014 12 25 57016 1.2887 0.0093 15.04106695433 0.00000000162 2014 12 26 57017 1.3898 0.0090 15.04106693673 0.00000000157 2014 12 27 57018 1.4546 0.0090 15.04106692544 0.00000000157 2014 12 28 57019 1.5205 0.0089 15.04106691397 0.00000000155 2014 12 29 57020 1.4172 0.0092 15.04106693196 0.00000000160 2014 12 30 57021 1.2353 0.0092 15.04106696362 0.00000000160 2014 12 31 57022 1.0837 0.0088 15.04106699001 0.00000000153 2015 1 1 57023 0.9616 0.0097 15.04106701127 0.00000000169 4 - INFORMATION ON TIME SCALES TAI - UTC = 35 s. during period [56993-57023] No leap second introduced during period [56993-57023] All information concerning time scales : - leap seconds announcements : Bulletin C - DUT1 announcements (UT1-UTC with 0.1 s accuracy) : Bulletin D can be found at : - web site : http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc/ - anonymous ftp : hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/ or 5 - SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTED EARTH ORIENTATION PARAMETERS SERIES This section gives the average precision of the individual series, some of them contributing to the combination (*) and their average agreement with it. The period covered is that one of Bulletin B. Units : micro-arc-seconds for x/y/dX/dY micro-seconds for UT1/LOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOP series first line : Mean formal uncertainty Periods covered second line : Weighted RMS agreement with Bulletin B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- x y UT1 LOD dX dY Data Number VLBI Standards AUS aus00007.eops 262 186 13 - 174 154 8 56993.21 to 57021.21 530 248 31 - 87 162 BKG bkg00014.eops 132 109 6 - 58 60 9 56993.21 to 57021.21 141 109 14 - 84 104 GSFC gsf2014a.eops 84 68 4 7 44 44 9 56993.21 to 57021.21 127 115 8 13 50 119 IAA iaa2007a.eops 114 104 5 - 74 73 9 56993.21 to 57021.21 182 206 31 - 80 139 USNO usn2014.eops 102 84 6 - 64 64 8 56993.21 to 57021.21 142 107 9 - 62 99 IVS * ivs07r1e.eops 25 19 1 - 8 24 7 56993.21 to 57021.21 91 51 3 - 26 75 VLBI Intensive BKG * bkgint14.eopi - - 9 - - - 28 56993.79 to 57022.80 - - 16 - - - GSFC * gsf2014a.eopi - - 12 - - - 28 56993.79 to 57022.80 - - 14 - - - IAA * iaa2005a.eopi - - 12 - - - 18 56993.79 to 57022.80 - - 17 - - - PUL pul2010a.eopi - - 12 - - - 20 56993.79 to 57022.80 - - 19 - - - USNO * usn2014.eopi - - 12 - - - 28 56993.79 to 57022.80 - - 15 - - - GPS CODE cod*.erp 5 5 - 0 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 30 25 - 8 - - JPL jpl*.erp 12 13 - 5 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 40 41 - 8 - - GFZ gfz*.erp 5 5 - 1 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 23 33 - 8 - - ESOC esa*.erp 9 9 - 2 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 24 36 - 7 - - NOAA ngs*.erp 2 2 - 0 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 32 50 - 5 - - SIO sio*.erp siu*.erp 29 27 - 8 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 32 36 - 9 - - EMR emr*.erp 29 29 - 7 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 33 39 - 17 - - IAA gps_iaa_*.eop 3 4 - 0 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 37 50 - 10 - - MIT mit*.erp 12 11 - 1 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 28 43 - 7 - - IGR * igs96p02.erp 19 24 - 3 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 26 33 - 5 - - IGS * igs00p03.erp 5 5 - 0 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 20 32 - 6 - - SLR MCC tg*.02 191 202 - 27 - - 27 56993.00 to 57023.00 148 211 - 92 - - IAA slr_iaa_*.eop 68 63 - 3 - - 31 56993.00 to 57023.00 133 178 - 22 - - CGS asi*.eop 79 82 - 16 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 211 209 - 50 - - ILRS * ilrsa.eop 44 43 - 6 - - 30 56993.50 to 57022.50 171 127 - 22 - - BULLETIN A NEOS mark3.out 35 30 6 - - - 31 56993.00 to 57023.00 21 39 15 - - - To unsubscribe : http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc/products/bulletins/bulletin_registration.html