************************************************************************ IERS Message No. 505 July 18, 2024 ************************************************************************ Forthcoming meetings Content: 1. Newly added meetings 2. Changed data 3. Special announcement 4. Complete list of forthcoming meetings 1. Newly added meetings During the last three months the following forthcoming conferences, workshops, etc. have been added to the list of meetings related to IERS and its fields of activity: 2024 A future space mission with very high-precision astrometry 11-13 September 2024 Paris, France https://astrometry.sciencesconf.org/ The 15th East Asian VLBI Workshop 28-31 October 2024 Port Dickson, Malaysia https://sites.google.com/um.edu.my/eavw2024/home 2025 27th EVGA Working Meeting & 26th IVS Analysis Workshop 6-10 April 2025 Matera, Italy Thirteenth IVS Technical Operations Workshop 4-8 May 2025 Westford, MA, USA IAU Symposium 401 "Advancing Reference Systems, Ephemeris and Standards - From the Earth and the Moon to Solar System Bodies" 4-8 August 2025 La Plata, Argentina https://iaus401.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar/ 2027 AGU 2027 Fall Meeting 13-17 December 2027 Washington, D.C., USA 2028 AGU 2028 Fall Meeting 11-15 December 2028 San Diego, CA, USA 2. Changed data For the following meetings that were previously announced, data has been updated (link added, or start/end dates changed, or location changed or added, etc.): IDS Workshop 4-5 September 2024 Montpellier, France https://ids-doris.org/ids/reports-mails/meeting-presentations/ ids-workshop-2024.html [Please note the line wrap in this link.] GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2024 8-10 October 2024 Potsdam, Germany https://www.gstm-2024.eu/ Simposio SIRGAS 2024 / SIRGAS 2024 Symposium 18-21 November 2024 Bogota, Colombia https://sirgas.ipgh.org/simposio-2024/en/home-2/ ION Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting (PTTI) 27-30 January 2025 Long Beach, CA, USA https://www.ion.org/ptti/index.cfm 29th IUGG General Assembly 12-22 July 2027 Incheon, South Korea FIG Working Week 2028: Celebrating FIG 150 Anniversary 24-28 June 2028 Paris, France 3. Special announcement The presentations from the following past meeting are now available: DORIS Analysis Working Group meeting (online) 4 June 2024 https://ids-doris.org/ids/reports-mails/meeting-presentations/ ids-awg-06-2024.html [Please note the line wrap in this link.] 4. Complete list of forthcoming meetings The following list indicates meetings for the following 3 months. A complete list of forthcoming meetings until 2030 is available at https://www.iers.org/IERS/meetings. 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 13-21 July 2024 Busan, South Korea https://www.cospar-assembly.org XXXII IAU General Assembly 6-15 August 2024 Cape Town, South Africa https://astronomy2024.org/ Fourteenth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) 7-9 August 2024 New York City, USA https://ggim.un.org/meetings/GGIM-committee/14th-Session/ Multi-Wavelength Astrometry. Focus Meeting 11 at IAU GA XXXII 14-15 August 2024 Cape Town, South Africa http://sarao.ac.za/iau_fm11/ 16th European VLBI Network (EVN) Symposium and Users Meeting 2-6 September 2024 Bonn, Germany https://events.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/indico/event/371/ IDS Workshop 4-5 September 2024 Montpellier, France https://ids-doris.org/ids/reports-mails/meeting-presentations/ ids-workshop-2024.html [Please note the line wrap in this link.] A future space mission with very high-precision astrometry 11-13 September 2024 Paris, France https://astrometry.sciencesconf.org/ ION GNSS+ 2024 16-20 September 2024 Baltimore, MD, USA https://www.ion.org/gnss/index.cfm ESA 9th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS 25-27 September 2024 Wroclaw, Poland https://atpi.eventsair.com/9th-gnss-science-colloquium Tenth European Radio Interferometry School (ERIS 2024) 30 September - 4 October 2024 Granada, Spain https://www.granadacongresos.com/eris2024 18th Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG-18) 6-11 October 2024 Wellington, New Zealand https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/icg/meetings/ICG-2024.html GGOS Days 2024 & GGOS Focus Areas Topical Meeting 7-11 October 2024 Potsdam, Germany https://ggos.org/event/ggos-days-fa-meeting-2024/ GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2024 8-10 October 2024 Potsdam, Germany https://www.gstm-2024.eu/ 9th International VLBI Technology Workshop (IVTW) 20-23 October 2024 Westford, MA, USA https://www.haystack.mit.edu/ivtw2024/ 23rd International Workshop on Laser Ranging 20-26 October 2024 Kunming, China https://23rdworkshop.casconf.cn/ The 15th East Asian VLBI Workshop 28-31 October 2024 Port Dickson, Malaysia https://sites.google.com/um.edu.my/eavw2024/home Kind regards, IERS Central Bureau ************************************************************************ IERS Messages are edited and distributed by the IERS Central Bureau. If not stated otherwise, the IERS is only the distributor of the message and is not responsible for its content. To submit texts for distribution, please write to . To subscribe or unsubscribe, please create an IERS account or modify it: https://www.iers.org/Login/Login/EN/login_node.html or write to . Archives: http://www.iers.org/IERS/Messages ************************************************************************