************************************************************************ IERS Message No. 223 January 16, 2013 ************************************************************************ Information on the updates to the IERS Conventions (2010) The IERS Conventions Center informs of the following updates: 15 January 2013 * Chapter 9 "Models for atmospheric propagation delays" has been updated, see http://tai.bipm.org/iers/convupdt/convupdt_c9.html . Changes are the following: - Introduce the model Global Pressure and Temperature 2 in sections 9.2 "Tropospheric model for radio techniques" and 9.3 "Sources for meteorological data" (provided by J. Boehm). - In the section 9.4 "Ionospheric models for radio techniques", correct some numerical values in a number of equations for using exact CODATA (2010) values of fundamental constants (noted by R. Langley). Changes are not significant with respect to the uncertainties of the quantities. * Appendix E with the IUGG Resolution 3 Adopted at the XXVth General Assembly (2012), has been added, see http://tai.bipm.org/iers/convupdt/convupdt_ap.html . The USNO web site http://maia.usno.navy.mil/conv2010/convupdt.html has similarly been updated. Gerard Petit and Brian Luzum IERS Conventions Center ************************************************************************ IERS Messages are edited and distributed by the IERS Central Bureau. If not stated otherwise, the IERS is only the distributor of the message and is not responsible for its content. To submit texts for distribution and to subscribe or unsubscribe, please write to . Archives: http://www.iers.org/Messages/ ************************************************************************