************************************************************************ IERS Message No. 198 November 03, 2011 ************************************************************************ Note to IERS C04 and Bulletin A users According to the IERS Directing Board resolution (DB52), and starting on 1 December 2011, the EOP C04 series will be delivered with a 30-day latency. In other words, only final definitive values will be included in it. Users needing a long-term continuous series extending up to a recent date (including rapid solution over the most recent 30 days) will have two solutions: 1) Getting the C04 solution extending until the date 30 days back and available at ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/eop/eopc04/eopc04_IAU2000.YY where YY is current two digit year and concatenate it with the Rapid solution issued from the Rapid Service/Prediction Center available at: ftp://maia.usno.navy.mil/ser7/finals2000A.daily Due to differences in the delivery times of the two products, users should exercise caution in blending the files to ensure that there is continuity between C04 and Bulletin A. 2) Getting the new OPA EOP solution consisting of a continuous series derived from the concatenation of the C04 series and the OPA rapid solution available at: ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/series/opa/eopc04_IAU2000 3) The OPA files are now available at this location for users wishing to test the new file locations. If users expect problems with this new arrangement, please contact central_bureau@iers.org with their concerns. Subject line should include "C04 transition". Christian Bizouard and Daniel Gambis IERS Earth Orientation Center Observatoire de Paris ************************************************************************ IERS Messages are edited and distributed by the IERS Central Bureau. If not stated otherwise, the IERS is only the distributor of the message and is not responsible for its content. To submit texts for distribution and to subscribe or unsubscribe, please write to . Archives: http://www.iers.org/Messages/ ************************************************************************