Product: Bulletin B
IERS Bulletin B Number 443 - Version metadata
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Content | IERS Bulletin B provides current information on the Earth's orientation in the IERS Reference System. This includes Universal Time, coordinates of the terrestrial pole, and celestial pole offsets. IERS Bulletin B consists of 5 sections:Section 1: Daily final values at 0:00 UT of x, y, UT1-UTC, dX, dY, and their uncertainties. Time span: one month with final values, one month with preliminary values.Section 2: Daily final values at 0:00 UT of celestial pole offsets dPsi and dEps in the IAU 1980 system and their uncertainties.Section 3: Earth angular velocity (daily estimates of LOD and OMEGA with their uncertainties).Section 4: Information on the time scales and announcement of occurring leap seconds.Section 5: Average formal precision of the individual and combined series contributing or not to the combination and their agreement with the combination. |
Format | ASCII |
Format Description | See contents of the data files or |
Documentation | See contents of the data files and |
Title | IERS Bulletin B Number 443 |
Data | Section 1: Year[yyyy],Month [mm], Day [dd], MJD, x [marcsec], y [marcsec], UT1-UTC [ms], dX [marcsec], dY [marcsec],x err[marcsec], y err[marcsec],UT1 err[marcsec], X err[marcsec], Y err[marcsec],Section 2: Year[yyyy],Month [mm], Day [dd], MJD, dPsi1980[marcsec],dEps1980[marcsec],sig dPsi[marcsec],sig dEps[marcsec]Section 3: Year[yyyy],Month [mm], Day [dd], MJD,LOD[ms],sigma[ms],OMEGA[mas/ms],sigma[mas/ms],Section 4: TAI - UTC [s],Section 5: RMS of x [marcsec], y [mas ], UT1 [ms], LOD[ms], dX [marcsec], dY [marcsec], Number of points |
Data Points | Section 1: 61Section 2: 30Section 3: 30 |
Time Start | Section 1: 2024-11-02Section 2: 2024-11-02Section 3: 2024-11-02 |
Time End | Section 1: 2025-01-01Section 2: 2024-12-01Section 3: 2024-12-01 |
Time Interval | Section 1: 60Section 2: 29Section 3: 29 |
Accuracy | -Section 1: min max avg sigma_X [mas] 0.050 0.060 0.054 sigma_Y [mas] 0.040 0.046 0.043 sigma_UT1-UTC [ms] 0.0102 0.0421 0.0233 sigma_dX [mas] 0.058 0.100 0.074 sigma_dY [mas] 0.047 0.561 0.111Section 2: sigma_dPSI [mas] 0.145 0.522 0.208 sigma_dEPS [mas] 0.047 2.752 0.297Section 3: min max avg sigma_LOD [ms] 0.0223 0.0368 0.0259sigma_OMEGA [mas/ms] 0.00000000388 0.00000000641 0.00000000451 |
Keywords | EOP, monthly, BULLETIN B, Earth orientation parameter, Number 443 |
Frequency | monthly |
Source | |
Created by | IERS Earth Orientation Centre |
Date | 2025-01-01 |
Contact | |
Distribution | onLine |
Email Subscription | OR |
Number | 443 |